Comissão da Câmara repasse da Loteca para socorro a municípios em calamidade pública
Daniel Agrobom foi relator da proposta. Will Shutter / Câmara dos Deputados

The National Integration and Regional Development Commission of the Chamber of Deputies approved a bill that determines the transfer of resources from Loteca, the former Sports Lottery, to the Special Fund for Public Calamities (Funcap).

According to Agência Câmara de Notícias, the regulation of the future law will be the responsibility of the Executive Branch.

The approved text was the substitute prepared by the rapporteur, deputy Daniel Agrobom (PL-GO), for Bill 616/23, by deputy Júnior Mano (PL-CE).

The original text provided for the holding, by Caixa Econômica Federal, of special number lottery contests in favor of municipalities experiencing public calamity.

The rapporteur justified the need for changes to the proposal. “Any measure that could negatively impact lottery sales could result in losses for the entire service chain, due to the reduction in transfers to legal beneficiaries and the risk of economic-financial imbalance,” he said.

“Enhancements were made to the text in order to place the Special Fund for Public Calamities among the beneficiaries of the net income obtained in a special competition for the sports prediction lottery (Loteca)”, stated Daniel Agrobom.

Therefore, the substitute amends Law 13,756/18, which deals with transfers from federal lotteries.

“Despite the fact that there is a legal provision for the Union to provide assistance to victims even before the recognition of the state of public calamity, the fact is that the process is still very slow, and resources are scarce”, commented deputy Júnior Mano, author of the proposal, when defending more money for Funcap.

Processing of the bill

The proposal is being processed conclusively and will still be analyzed by the Finance and Taxation committees; and Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

What is the Loteca?

Loteca is the lottery for those who understand football and love to make predictions about the results of matches.

To bet, simply mark your guess for each of the 14 games in the competition, ticking one of the three columns, two of them (double) or three (triple). The participating clubs are printed on the tickets issued by the terminal.

Loteca-Sports lottery

The minimum bet is R$3.00 and entitles you to a double. The more doubles and triples you score, the higher the bet price and the greater your chances of winning. Betting closes at 2pm on Saturday.

Loteca competitions are held weekly and the results are announced at the beginning of each week.

If a game is not played within the scheduled period, due to anticipation, postponement or cancellation, the result of the game (for the purposes of the Loteca competition) will be defined by draw.