PL 1.725 / 2021 has already started to be approved in the Senate, which requires that the bettors' CPF numbers be included in the federal lottery and in the sports forecast draw. According to the text, when the CPF is included, the lotteries will not require the...

Mega Millions is about to draw a prize of R$918 million

The Mega Millions prize in the USA reached an impressive US$187 million, equivalent to almost R$918 million. The draw is scheduled for this Friday, January 12th, offering the opportunity to turn all financial goals for the year 2024 into reality. Certainly...
Bill No. 143/2024 was approved by the committees and plenary of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Sergipe (Alese) – amending the lottery law, which allows the Executive Branch to provide the lottery service in Sergipe. In the text, the caput of article...
Last Tuesday (05), the Secretary of Administration and Pensions, Elisandro Pires Frigo, and the Chief Executive Officer of Lottopar, Daniel Romanowski, met with the General Director of the State Secretariat, Marcia Cristina Rebonato do Valle. The meeting focused on the strategic alignment between these...
One of the lucky winners of the 2022 Mega da Virada, resident of Florianópolis, had his ticket stolen the day before the draw. According to documents and police reports, the criminal took the receipt along with other personal belongings. The Federal...
The Senate Sports Committee (CEsp) approved this Wednesday, 4th, the project (PL 3723/2021), by Veneziano Vital do Rego (MDB-PB), which changes the rules for distribution, between football clubs, of resources from the Timemania lottery, from Caixa Econômica. According to PL 3723/2021, the distribution of...
On Thursday night (11), São Paulo was the stage for the 2,674th Mega-Sena draw, however, no bettor won the magical combination of six tens. The prize has accumulated and on Saturday (13) the winner will receive R$ 16 million. Drawn numbers
CAIXA Lotteries are bringing a new wave of excitement to players across Brazil with the launch of tickets for the Federal Lottery. Wednesday gains a new appeal with the name “Quartou!”, while the Federal Millionaire is now known as “Enricou!”. These...
With innovative and pioneering processes in Brazil, such as the hiring of an integrated management platform and payment methods, Lottopar (Lottery of the State of Paraná) is approaching the start of “betting” operations this October. Once the stages of accreditation, analysis and approval of...
Bill 155/2022, which is being discussed at the Ribeirão Preto City Council, aims to launch a municipal lottery service. The text is based on federal law 13756/2018. According to the proposal, the lottery would be operated by the Executive Power, through the Treasury Department....

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