The project that provides for the legalization of casinos and bingos in Brazil was on the agenda of the Senate’s Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Committee (CCJ). However, the session was closed without analyzing and voting on the proposal this Wednesday, 29.
Therefore, PL 2234/22 (PL 442/91) will remain on the CCJ’s agenda until the next meeting, the date of which will be defined by Davi Alcolumbre, a defender of the betting gaming segment.
It is worth remembering that the project provides “for the exploitation of games and betting throughout the national territory; amends Law No. 7,291, of December 19, 1984; and revokes Decree-Law No. 9,215, of April 30, 1946, and provisions of Decree-Law No. 3,688, of October 3, 1941 (Criminal Misdemeanors Law), and Law No. 10,406, of January 19, 2002 (Civil Code)”.
Rapporteur suggests approval of the casino and bingo legalization project
However, the proposal advanced. This is because Senator Irajá’s report is in favor of approving the proposal.
“The legality of the project is also satisfied, with no offense to legal principles or antinomies with other laws in force that cannot be resolved by the intertemporal criteria of hierarchy, anteriority and specialty, under the terms of art. 2nd of Decree-Law No. 4,657, of September 4, 1942 (Law of Introduction to the Norms of Brazilian Law – LINDB).
Furthermore, art. 121 of PL nº 2234, of 2022, prevents future antinomies, expressly revoking provisions incompatible with the new proposed rule.
As for the merits, the main benefit of PL nº 2234, of 2022, is to allow an economic activity that is already practiced even in misdemeanor, to come under State control, mitigating possible links between gambling and organized crime”, it states in the opinion of Senator Irajá.
Thus, the rapporteur explains the recommendation for approval of the proposal in the Senate that allows the legalization of casinos and bingos in Brazil. The matter has already passed the Chamber of Deputies in 2022.
“We conclude that PL No. 2234, of 2022, meets the requirements of constitutionality, legality, regimentation and good legislative technique. Furthermore, it is a worthy Proposition, given that it establishes clear standards for a relevant economic activity that is currently outside state supervision.
Based on the above, we voted for the constitutionality, legality, regimentation and adequacy of the legislative technique of Bill No. 2234, of 2022. As for the merits, we voted for the approval of PL No. 2234, of 2022”, says the opinion.