Lottopar sai na frente com medidas preventivas
Imagem: Lottopar / Richard Chasko

An episode at the São Paulo Junior Football Cup brought to light the relevance of preventive action. This time, a goalkeeper reported attempts at manipulation, generating attention in the sports news. In Paraná, Lottopar emerges as a protagonist in the fight against game manipulation.

In other words, focused on sporting integrity, the institution promoted a Responsible and Safe Gaming Workshop, aimed at sporting entities.

Felippe Marchetti, representative of Sportradar, a global leader in sports technologies, gave a comprehensive talk on preventing, detecting and combating match-fixing.

At the event, Lottopar launched the Handbook on Responsible and Safe Gaming, aiming to raise awareness among those involved about appropriate practices in sports.

Therefore, to strengthen surveillance against possible manipulations, Lottopar makes the Ombudsman Channel available on its website. This resource is essential for receiving complaints and reports of player enticement into illegal activities in the sporting world.

Strategic partnerships with bodies such as the Public Security Secretariat of Paraná and the Sports Secretariat reinforce its commitment to combating illegal gambling.

Lottopar plans more actions

Pablo Wosniacki, specialist in Sports Law and collaborator of Lottopar’s Operations Directorate, stated that “it is extremely important that all players are aware of the best practices, in order to guarantee safe gaming”.

“Thus, as in the case that occurred in the São Paulo Junior Football Cup, the attitude taken by the athlete confirms that education on the subject is essential for sporting integrity and unpredictability of the result, fundamental principles in sport.”

Fabio Veiga, Operational Director at Lottopar, assured that the authority is committed to creating an environment where security, transparency and responsibility are priorities.

Associations, accreditations, terms of cooperation and strong supervision are topics that are already part of the measures adopted by Lottopar, but many more actions should take place throughout 2024.