Vinhedo aprova criação da LOTOVIN
Imagem: Câmara de Vinhedo / Divulgação

The Vinhedo Chamber recently held an extraordinary session aimed at approving projects, including LOTOVIN (municipal lottery).

Bill No. 27/2024, which proposes the creation of a public lottery in the municipality of Vinhedo, LOTOVIN.

Thus, according to the text, fundraising through the municipal lottery will occur through the sale of lottery games both physically and virtually.

LOTOVIN proceeds will be allocated to various departments

The LOTOVIN project allocates net revenue from the sale of lottery products to various areas. These include social assistance, health, sport, culture, public safety and animal welfare.

Part of the resources, the LOTOVIN project, is intended for water security and the preservation of Vinhedo’s heritage.

In other words, the proceeds from the LOTOVIN project will fund accessibility and inclusion actions and projects for people with disabilities or elderly people.

Approved projects

The joint committee, formed by councilors Mazinho, Rodrigo Luglio and Thiago Marra, presented a favorable opinion on the projects on the agenda. Among the approved projects are:

  • Bill No. 122/2023: revokes the concession of use of an institutional area located in Jardim das Nogueiras to the Vinhedense Association for the Education of the Man of Tomorrow (AVEHA).
  • Bill No. 27/2024: creates the public lottery service in the Municipality of Vinhedo (LOTOVIN).
  • Bills nº 29/2024 and nº 30/2024: change the wording of the 2024 Budget Law.
  • Bill No. 31/2024: amends provisions of laws that authorized the Executive Branch to contract a credit operation with Caixa Econômica Federal.
  • Bill No. 32/2024: amends the law that authorizes the Municipal Executive to sign an agreement between the Municipality of Vinhedo and SANEBAVI.
  • Complementary Bill No. 4/2024: amends the law that provides for the administrative restructuring of Vinhedo City Hall.

The full session is available on the Câmara de Vinhedo YouTube channel.