Foto: Rafa Neddermeyer/Agência Brasil
22/06/2023 - Brasília - Volantes da Mega Sena sendo preenchidos para apostas em casas lotéricas da Caixa. Foto: Rafa Neddermeyer/Agência Brasil

No bet matched the six tens of Mega-Sena contest 2640. The draw was held on Tuesday night, the 3rd, at Espaço da Sorte, in São Paulo.

The numbers drawn were 04 – 08 – 10 – 27 – 28 – 32.

As a result, the main prize for the next draw, this Thursday, the 5th, is estimated at R$33 million.

The corner had 109 winning bets. Each will pay R$21,983.71. The court registered 6,453 winning bets, and each winner will receive a prize of R$530.47.

Bets for contest 2641 can be placed until 7pm (Brasília time) tomorrow, at lottery outlets accredited by Caixa, across the country or online.

How to bet on the Mega-Sena?

Since August 22nd, Mega-Sena has had three weekly draws. Since then, the sport has always been drawn on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

According to Caixa, the extra draw increases the speed of prize growth, generating greater attractiveness for bettors who prefer large prizes.

The odds and other rules of the sport remain unchanged.

To win the Mega-Sena maximum prize, you must match all six numbers drawn. It is also possible to win prizes by matching four (Quadra) or five tens (Quina).

A simple Mega-Sena bet costs R$5 and can be placed at lottery outlets, online on the official website or on the Loterias Caixa smartphone app.

To make your dream of being a millionaire come true, you must dial 6 to 20 numbers on the wheel, allowing the system to choose the numbers for you (Surpresinha) and/or compete with the same bet for 2, 4 or 8 consecutive contests (Teimosinha).

Prizes expire 90 days after the draw date. After this period, the amounts are transferred to the national treasury for application in FIES – Higher Education Student Financing Fund.​​​​