Foto: Pedro França/Agência Senado

This Wednesday (10), the Sports Commission (CEsp) will be able to vote on a project that aims to prohibit the participation of celebrities in advertising sports betting and online games at sporting events (PL 3.405/2023).

Proposed by senator Eduardo Girão (Novo-CE), the project received a favorable opinion from the rapporteur, Sérgio Petecão (PSD-AC). The CEsp meeting is scheduled to start at 10:30 am.

The proposal seeks to modify Law 14,790 of 2023, which regulated fixed-odd sports betting, popularly known as bets. In other words, where the bettor is aware of the rate of return at the time of the bet.

Girão argues that the ban aims to protect citizens from possible emotional or financial harm resulting from continued exposure to betting advertising.

According to the project, sports teams, athletes, former athletes, presenters, commentators, celebrities and influencers will be prohibited from participating in sports betting advertising. Therefore, subject to penalties in case of non-compliance with the legislation.

The rapporteur, Sérgio Petecão (PSD-AC), in his opinion in favor of the ban, highlights:

“We understand that the parliamentary initiative to regulate the advertising of fixed-odd betting lotteries is legitimate and constitutional.

The risks of gaming addiction are well known, which could become a public health problem in a scenario of deregulation of the activity.”

Other projects on the agenda besides sports betting

In addition to PL 3,405/2023, other projects are on the agenda, such as PL 969/2022, presented by senator Flávio Bolsonaro (PL-RJ), which proposes including activities linked to sports services in the list of activities exempt from public notice .

Another proposal under discussion is PL 268/2021, coming from the Chamber, which aims to curb bullying in sports.

Currently, the presidency of CEsp is under the responsibility of Senator Romário (PL-RJ).