Comissão de Esporte no Senado vota proposta de regulamentação das apostas hoje
Foto: Waldemir Barreto/Agência Senado

As a matter of urgency, the Senate Sports Committee (CEsp) votes this Wednesday, 18th, on the proposal that aims to regulate betting through a fixed quota, such as so-called bets.

The text was initiated by the Executive and was approved by the Chamber of Deputies on September 13th.

According to Agência Senado, the matter, which incorporated a provisional measure with the same content (MP 1,182/2023), covers items such as license payments, new distribution of revenue, requirements and restrictions.

The project is simultaneously examined by the Economic Affairs Commission (CAE). At CEsp, the rapporteur is Senator Romário (PL-RJ) and Angelo Coronel is the rapporteur at CAE. The commission began debating the topic this Tuesday, 17th.

Coronel ended up not presenting his report due to the request for a public hearing to debate regulations in the country. This hearing tends to take place on Thursday, 19th, and the opinion must be presented later.

Terms of the betting regulation project approved by the Chamber

According to the text approved by the Chamber of Deputies, 2% of the amount collected will go to social security. Other recipients of the resources will be the areas of sport (6.63%) and tourism (5%).

In sports, resources will be divided between the Ministry of Sports (4%), athletes (1.13%) and specific sports confederations, with percentages varying between 0.05% and 0.4%.

Half a percent of the amount will be sent to state Sports departments, which will have to distribute half to the municipal Sports departments, proportionally to the city’s population.

In tourism, 4% will be sent to the Ministry of Tourism and 1% will go to Embratur.

It is worth noting that Law 13,756, of 2018, which created this category of lottery, defined that bookmakers would keep 95% of the revenue (after payment of prizes and Income Tax), while the project allows 82%.

According to the text, education will receive 1.82% of the resources. Within this amount, 0.82% will be allocated to early childhood education or primary and secondary schools that have achieved targets for national assessment results.

The remainder (1%) will go to public secondary technical schools. There is a movement in the Senate for these values ​​allocated to Education to be increased. Senator Angelo Coronel has already anticipated that the project should undergo changes in the House.

Amendments in the Senate

At CAE and CEsp, the proposal received 72 amendments. As it is a project initiated by the Presidency of the Republic, it must be voted on by senators by November 11th.