The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), announced that next week the discussion on the PL of sports betting in Brazil, known as bets, will begin.
The person responsible for reporting the matter will be designated by the end of this week.
Lira highlighted: “The PL of the games has a deadline of September 9th to be voted on. We will have two weeks to discuss a lot.”
The bill should include proposals for taxation of betting companies already present in the Provisional Measure issued by the Ministry of Finance at the end of July.
According to such proposals, a rate of 18% will be applied on the companies’ gross revenue for each event, an event being considered as a set of bets placed during each round of competitions such as the Brazilian Championship.
With regard to prizes awarded to bettors, there will be a 30% taxation to be applied to the Income Tax (IRPF), except for prizes of up to R$2,112, which will be exempt.
In theory, the Provisional Measure is already valid as of its publication, however, for companies to be properly taxed, it is necessary to establish the National Secretariat for Prizes and Bets, together with a monitoring system. Therefore, in practice, its implementation is not yet in place.
Banca Evangélica is against the PL of sports betting
The sports betting PL must be resisted by the evangelical bench in the Chamber of Deputies.
Two deputies from the bench, Sóstenes Cavalcante (PL-RJ) and Cezinha de Madureira (PSD-SP) recently spoke about the project.
For Madureira, the sports betting PL is an “affront” to the evangelical faith and claims to be against any type of gambling.
He also complained that he was not previously informed about the measure.
While Sóstenes claimed that the Federal Government should fight gambling instead of taxing the activity.
For the PL-RJ deputy, the practice is harmful, especially for retirees and people from less economically favored classes.
Currently, the evangelical bench is composed of 130 deputies. However, this group is organizing itself to seek support not only from Catholic deputies, but also from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB).