Legal Framework for  Gambling will be voted on today in the Chamber of Deputies

The National Congress opens the work of 2022 this Wednesday, 2nd. With the end of the parliamentary recess, the expectation is that the Legal Framework for Gambling (Law 442/91) – which seeks to legalize gambling in Brazil – be voted on in the Chamber of Deputies soon.

The agenda has for some time been raising fundamental discussions about the legalization of gambling and how beneficial it would be for the country.

On December 16, 2021, the urgency of the Bill was approved, in a vote with 293 votes in favor, 138 against and 11 abstentions. But as Congress was close to the parliamentary recess, the definition of the agenda was left for February this year.

The text of the PL will define which gambliing types will be authorized in Brazil, such as: casinos, bingos, Jogo do Bicho, etc. In addition, the way in which these games will be explored and where the resources collected will be allocated will be established.

Arthur Lira presides over the vote on the PEC of the Precatórios in Brasília (DF), November 3, 2021 - Sputnik Brasil, 1920, 02.01.2022
Arthur Lira in session at the National Congress

The Legal Framework for Gambling will also define the administrative infractions and crimes arising in case of violation of the rules established for betting games.

If, on the one hand, there are deputies in favor of the release stating that the new law will contribute to encouraging tourism and tax collection, on the other hand, the evangelical segment has already shown itself to be totally against the project.

Evangelical parliamentarians say that legalization will bring financial and moral damage to “Brazilian families” and encourage the dependence of part of the population on gambling.

President Jair Bolsonaro intends to veto the Legal Framework for the Games

In a recent meeting with the press in Brasília, the President of the Republic Jair Bolsonaro took a stand against gambling, such as bingos, animal games and casinos.

According to the website ‘O Tempo’, the president’s statement left some doubts. At various times, Bolsonaro admitted that the National Congress must approve the text, followed by the overthrow of his veto.

“My position is clear. From what I’ve seen, given the amount of votes and urgency, they can override a possible veto. I intend to veto the issue of games in Brazil. I don’t think we’re mature enough to deal with it, to move forward on this issue there. Now, there are many people who defend it, and then democracy. If I veto and the parliament overrides the veto, we will comply with the law,” Bolsonaro said.