Held last week, BiS SiGMA Americas promoted a meeting with global impact focused on the potential of the Brazilian market. Fábio Tibéria, owner of FT Consulting, spoke about the leap in growth that the event presented after the merger with the SiGMA Group and what he expects from the regulation of the national industry.
“The event was sensational, the numbers never lie. It was an exponential growth – now with SiGMA. The Brazilian market is not a third- or second-tier market, but a first-tier market. For many years, Brazil only looked outside, now foreigners look inside Brazil”, he commented.
For Tibéria, the country is going through a moment of impressive growth and everyone wants to participate in this great business, which encompasses all gaming verticals. He also recalled his entry into the sector in 2012, when he opened the first website. Since then, the scenario has changed considerably.
“Technological support was a significant change. But what most determined the change was the payment system. PIX is something unique in the world, it can be compared with cryptocurrencies. With immediate payouts, it has become a great tool for punters and traders alike.”
For Fábio Tibéria, regulation can give even more credibility to the market, but if done correctly. “Regulation is key, but if we get the conditions wrong or impossible, it would hurt a lot of people.”
“A correct and serious regulation would bring more credibility to the sector and revenue. And, there is no point in regulating only sports betting, which is part of the market”, adding that “if the regulation is done correctly, Brazil will become the first market in the world”.