Bill No. 143/2024 was approved by the committees and plenary of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Sergipe (Alese) – amending the lottery law, which allows the Executive Branch to provide the lottery service in Sergipe. In the text, the caput of article...
Charlie Saephan, an immigrant from Laos, received surprising news on Monday (29). After a years-long battle with cancer, he won an extraordinary $1.3 billion in the US lottery, Powerball. He lives in the state of Oregon, in the United States. Since 2016, Saephan has...
The Vinhedo Chamber recently held an extraordinary session aimed at approving projects, including LOTOVIN (municipal lottery). Bill No. 27/2024, which proposes the creation of a public lottery in the municipality of Vinhedo, LOTOVIN. Thus, according to the text, fundraising through the...

Eight of Caixa’s nine lotteries are accumulated this week

The week promises to be one of great excitement for Caixa Econômica Federal lottery players. In other words, eight of the nine games are accumulated, with prizes that promise to change the lives of the lucky ones. This Monday (29), four lotteries will be...
The lottery is about to become a reality in Rio Branco. The city hall of the capital of Acre sent a Bill to the City Council that aims to create a municipal lottery. The objective is to increase the city's revenue. However, councilor Elzinha...
Fenae and Contraf-CUT, two entities representing Caixa workers, are in an intense legal battle related to the future of lotteries. The reason is the decision by Caixa's Board of Directors to transfer the operation of lotteries, one of the bank's main services, to a subsidiary.
Last Friday (19), in La Plata, capital of the State of Buenos Aires, the CEO of Lottopar, Daniel Romanowski and the president of the Instituto Provincial de Lotería y Casinos (IPLYC), of Buenos Aires, Gonzalo Raico Atanasoff, signed a protocol of intentions, at no financial cost to...
The Mega-Sena lottery brought a significant change to the routine of the Centro da Sorte lottery, located in the center of Rio de Janeiro, on Monday (22). The reason was a bet made on site, which was the only one to receive the astronomical...
The Maranhão State Lottery (Lotema) is about to start a new period of games and opportunities. The official launch takes place this Monday (22), at Palácio dos Leões in São Luís. Lotema is a public service managed by the State Government, through Maranhão Parcerias...
Mega-Sena made a new millionaire in Rio de Janeiro. A single bet matched the six tens of competition 2715 and won the accumulated prize of R$ 102,128,925.42. The numbers drawn were: 07-19-25-46-50-53. In addition, the lottery also awarded...

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