Foto: Edilson Rodrigues/Agência Senado

The Senate‘s Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ) scheduled a public hearing for Thursday (9), at 10 am, to discuss a bill that proposes the legalization of casinos, bingos, Jogo do Bicho and betting on horse races.

Senator Irajá (PSD-TO) is the rapporteur of PL 2,234/2022, and the presidency of the CCJ is under the command of senator Davi Alcolumbre (União-AP).

Senators Carlos Viana (Podemos-MG) and Eduardo Girão (Novo-CE) requested the public hearing be held.

Renato Vianna, former federal deputy, was responsible for preparing the project. It is important to highlight that this has already received approval in the Chamber of Deputies, a fact that occurred at the beginning of 2022.

Several experts and representatives from the sector are confirmed to participate in the debate, including attorneys, presidents of associations and professionals in the sector.

Some of the participants include André Estevão Ubaldino Pereira, prosecutor at the Public Ministry of Minas Gerais; Doreni Caramori, president of the Brazilian Association of Event Promoters; and Guilherme Luís Dias, specialist in supervision and regulation.

Project foresees casinos in tourist centers or leisure complexes

PL 2,234/2022 proposes the installation of casinos in tourist centers or in leisure complexes, such as high-end hotels. The text provides for the installation of a casino in each state and the Federal District, with exceptions for São Paulo, which would have three casinos, and other states that could have up to two casinos.

Senator Irajá proposed only one editorial amendment to the original text, rejecting four other proposals presented at the CCJ. One of these proposals, made by Carlos Viana, aimed to exclude casinos and gambling from regulation.

In addition to the participants who had already confirmed their presence at the public hearing, other guests were considered. This additional inclusion aims for broader and more diverse representation in discussions. Among them are representatives of the hotel sector and healthcare professionals.

Likewise, representatives from the entertainment industry were called. For example, Alex Pariente, who is vice president of Hard Rock International’s Casinos and Hotels operation, was one of the guests. In addition to him, Antônio Geraldo da Silva, psychiatrist and president of the Brazilian Psychiatric Association, is on the list.

How to participate in the hearing on casinos in the Senate?

The hearing, which will take place in room 3 of the Alexandre Costa Wing, promises to be interactive. In other words, citizens have the opportunity to actively participate. They can send questions and comments via the Senate Ombudsman telephone number (0800 061 2211) or via the e-Citizenship Portal.

In real time, senators and debaters will read and respond to these contributions. Additionally, the Senate provides a declaration of participation.