Apostas esportivas
Imagem: Procon-DF / Divulgação

Procon (Consumer Protection and Defense), linked to the Secretariat of Justice and Citizenship (Sejus-DF), ordered the removal of three advertising advertisements for bets in casinos on Eixo Rodoviário Sul, in Brasília (DF).

Sports betting advertisements are still illegal

Procon-DF removed the billboards that promoted Eixão Sul betting games. Furthermore, Procon-DF considered the advertisements abusive and misleading, as they disrespected the Consumer Protection Code.

“It is a basic consumer right to protection against misleading and abusive advertising, against unfair commercial methods that end up forcing the consumer to make a decision without correct knowledge of the type of product or service being advertised”, stated Marcelo Nascimento, director -general of Procon-DF.

Although it is not a law, the Brazilian National Council for Advertising Self-Regulation (Conar) has established rules for betting advertising, which must be compulsorily observed by suppliers when advertising on billboards.

The companies responsible for advertising are:

  • BET77, advertising sponsor, which has no representation in the country
  • SCA Mídia
  • The Structure Panels, responsible for placing the ads.

Therefore, Procon-DF highlighted that companies have a duty to respect current laws and regulations.

Companies must always respect consumer rights and the legality of commercial activities, including when advertising.

At the end of 2023, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva sanctioned Law No. 14,790/2023, which regulates the online betting market in the country, including sports betting and online casino games.

Thus, the new legislation establishes guidelines on taxation, rules for commercial exploitation, revenue distribution, sanctions and powers of the Ministry of Finance.