Votação do projeto das apostas esportivas adiada no Senado para 12 de dezembro
Roque de Sá / Agência Senado

The vote on the sports betting and online gambling project should be postponed until next week. The president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), must reschedule for Tuesday, December 12th.

The information comes from the rapporteur of the matter, Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA).

According to Valor Econômico, the lack of senators this week due to the UN Climate Conference, COP28, made strategic votes for the government in the Federal Congress difficult.

At least 16 of the 81 parliamentarians attended the event, held in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.

Deliberation on the sports betting proposal was scheduled for this Wednesday, 6th, in the Senate Plenary.

Pacheco, however, agreed with some senators that he will announce the change in date as soon as the session begins.


Pacheco recalled that the project, authored by the Executive Branch, was being processed under a regime of constitutional urgency. Therefore, the PL should be voted on within 45 days under penalty of the agenda being blocked.

On November 12, the government removed the urgency to allow other relevant proposals to be processed, but the delay in deliberating the text in the thematic committees did not allow the project to reach the Plenary sooner.

Pacheco defended the remote deliberation system, but agreed with the arguments that a highly complex matter demands a discussion with more senators physically present.

“Next week will be filled with many legislative proposals, with many authorities to be considered, so I strongly ask for the presence of all senators in the Plenary,” he declared.

Government leader in the Senate, Jaques Wagner (PT-BA) proposed voting on the main text this Wednesday, leaving the decision on the highlights for next Tuesday. However, Pacheco assessed that the original referral “satisfies all parties”.

Difficulty voting on the sports betting project

On Monday, the 4th, Rodrigo Pacheco’s allies did not guarantee that he would maintain the schedule. Upon returning to COP28, on Tuesday, the 5th, the president of the Senate spoke to some parliamentarians about the issue.

However, Pacheco found that there was no favorable environment for voting on the agenda.

Due to the emptying of the House, the hearing in the Senate’s Economic Affairs Committee (CAE) of four nominations for the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade) and two nominations for the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) were also rescheduled for the next week.