Regulamentação das apostas Senado adia votação no Plenário
Foto: Roque de Sá / Agência Senado

On the agenda of the session this Wednesday, the 29th, the bill that stipulates the regulation of fixed-odd sports betting, the so-called “bets”, ended up having its vote postponed, after debate in the Senate Plenary.

According to Agência Senado, the voting date will still be defined by the president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco. The proposal is among the Federal Government’s priorities aimed at increasing revenue sources from 2024.

PL 3,626/2023 also taxes other online betting companies, which, according to critics of the text, would pave the way to release “virtual casinos without supervision”.

Parliamentarians in favor of the proposal, however, pointed out that the measure does not create new betting modalities, it only regulates a 2018 law (Law 13,756) and guarantees the government revenue from games that are already operating in the country.

The estimates, considered conservative by the government, are of a revenue of R$2 billion in 2024 with the measure, but could reach R$10 billion per year, according to calculations by the rapporteur, senator Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA), who defends approval of the proposal.

The rapporteur presented a favorable opinion for the PL of betting regulation

Despite the postponement of the consideration in the Plenary, Senator Angelo Coronel read his favorable opinion during the session and stated that several types of online games already work in Brazil.

“We are not creating any new type of gambling. PL 3,626/2023, initiated by the Executive Branch, regulates fixed bet games, legal in Brazil since Law 13,756, of December 12, 2018”, said the rapporteur.

“Currently, so-called bets, despite being legal, as they are not regulated, are not collecting taxes in Brazil”, he added.

According to him, only Brazil, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia have not yet regulated online betting. Coronel’s position was supported by Jorge Kajuru (PSB-GO).

Jorge Kajuru regulation of sports betting senate
Senator Jorge Kajuru. Photo: Jefferson Rudy / Agência Senado

“I want to have the right to collect taxes from those who evade today with betting shops. Deep down, there are people who want the Lula government not to have this collection, which is fair. It’s not being against the Lula government, it’s being against Brazil”, stated Kajuru.


However, for senator Omar Aziz (PSD-AM), the proposal could pave the way for the uncontrolled operation of betting houses.

“We are voting for an online casino. It’s not just a football game, no. There will be a machine, blackjack, roulette”, he declared.

“There will be every type of game available in a casino. We are voting for an online casino, without supervision. They will pay tax, the government will collect it and the bettor will lose out”, he added.

Omar Aziz regulating sports betting senate
Senator: Omar Aziz. Photo: Waldemir Barreto / Agência Senado

Eduardo Girão (Novo-CE) was also against the proposal. “I come from football, I also have concerns about sport, because I see that it is not even the manipulation that everyone has seen that is happening because of sports betting, but it is subverting sport”.

Thus, Girão and Magno Malta (PL-ES) presented a request to postpone the vote, which was accepted by senator Veneziano Vital do Rêgo (MDB-PB). He presided over the session in place of Rodrigo Pacheco.