Approved by the Economic Affairs Commission (CAE) on the afternoon of this Wednesday, 22nd, the regulation of online sports betting, the so-called bets, now goes to the Senate Plenary on an urgent basis.
Bill (PL) 3,626/2023, which guarantees the taxation of internet betting, was reported by senator Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA).
The text deals with the lottery modality called “fixed-odd bets” and received opposing votes from several senators, such as Eduardo Girão (Novo-CE) and Carlos Portinho (PL-RJ).
Already approved by the Chamber of Deputies, the proposal is part of the Federal Government’s package to reach zero fiscal target in 2024.
If the Senate modifies the text, the project will return for examination by deputies.
Distribution of money from the betting regulation proposal
An amendment accepted by the rapporteur changes the way in which revenue from fixed-odd betting lotteries are distributed in physical or virtual media.
According to the text, 88% goes towards funding and maintenance expenses for the lottery operating agent and other betting games.
The remaining 12% is distributed according to the following percentages:
36% for sport, being:
- 22.2% for the Ministry of Sports;
- 7.3% for clubs and athletes in return for the use of brand and image;
- 2.2% for the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB);
- 1.3% for the Brazilian Paralympic Committee (CPB);
- 0.7% for the Brazilian Club Committee (CBC);
- 0.7% for the sports departments of the States and the Federal District;
- 0.5% for the Brazilian Confederation of School Sports (CBDE);
- 0.5% for the Brazilian Confederation of University Sports (CBDU);
- 0.3% for the Brazilian Committee of Paralympic Clubs (CBCP); It is
- 0.3% for the Brazilian Master Sports Committee.
28% for tourism, being:
- 22.4% for the Ministry of Tourism; It is
- 5.6% to the Brazilian Agency for International Tourism Promotion (Embratur).
14% for public safety, being:
- 12.6% to the National Public Security Fund (FNSP); It is
- 1.4% for the Integrated Border Monitoring System (Sisfron).
10% for education, being:
- 5.5% for public secondary technical schools; It is
- 4.5% for public preschool, primary and secondary school students.
10% social security;
1% for the Ministry of Health to apply to measures to prevent, control and mitigate social harm arising from gaming in healthcare areas;
0.5% for the following civil society entities:
- 0.2% to the National Federation of Associations of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional (Fenapaes);
- 0.2% for the National Federation of Pestalozzi Associations (Fenapestalozzi); It is
- 0.1% to the Brazilian Red Cross.
0.5% to the Fund for the Equipment and Operationalization of Core Activities of the Federal Police (Funapol).