The scandal involving the company Blaze has attracted the attention of influencers who have been publicizing the online casino in recent weeks. After the publication of a video titled “BLAZE – Take from the poor and give to influencers” by youtuber Daniel Penin, in which he exposed his investigations into the company and the mystery surrounding the owner of Blaze, several users filed complaints against the site betting.
The betting site has partnerships with great personalities in Brazil and in the world, such as Neymar, Felipe Neto, Cocielo and several others.
A clear and defined regulation in Brazil could help to avoid this type of problem, since with transparent rules in the sector, gamblers could entertain themselves responsibly and without major concerns.
iGaming specialist in Latin America, co-founder of Super Afiliados and CEO of Jericho Eventos, Alessandro Valente, gave an interview to Jovem Pan News and stressed the importance of regulating the betting sector in cases like this, where the focus should be the guidance of bettors and influencers.
“Look once again at the importance of having a regulated [betting] market. This would not happen, for example, in countries like the United Kingdom, where these people would also suffer the maximum penalty of the law”, said Valente.
“It should not be accepted by the betting site, nor should advertising be made at inopportune times, for example, during the day. These things have to change. Either the market regulates itself, or the government quickly takes action and regulates “, added the businessman.
Alessandro Valente talks about the importance of regulating the betting sector in an interview with Jovem Pan News
Felipe Neto speaks about the controversy with Blaze
Felipe Neto, a well-known youtuber and influencer, published a text on Monday (06) addressing the case of Blaze. Like Valente, Felipe believes that regulating the sector is the best way forward.
“The only thing I ask is: Brazil, regulate bookmakers and online casinos. Regulate advertisements, create rules, put order in this mess and collect money for the State. That alone will put an end to this story, that alone will bring companies to Brazil and take them from tax havens (as they will be required by law)”.