The Minas Gerais lottery (LEMG) will soon announce the result of the notice for International Public Competition nº 002/2023.
This bidding process, of the highest bid type, aims to contract, exclusively within the limits of the State of Minas Gerais. So that a company operates lottery activities via the OnLine/Real Time System, through a public service concession.
Details of the Loteria Mineira bidding process
The deadline for submitting proposals, in sealed envelopes, is 4pm this Tuesday, March 5th, with the opening of the first envelope, containing the remuneration proposal, scheduled for 2pm the following day (6) at headquarters of the municipality.
This bidding process covers the exploration of electronic games in both in-person physical formats (land based) and digital/virtual formats (cyber space), in accordance with the lottery prediction modalities established by federal and state legislation.
In addition to the operation of the games, the concession of services will include the preparation of strategic planning, creation of games, implementation and operation of lottery products.
The notice also includes marketing activities, establishment and operation of a network of points of sale, marketing of games, development and implementation of websites, virtual gaming platforms and distribution of prizes.
Transparency, public participation and schedule
To guarantee the legitimacy and transparency of the process, the Minas Gerais lottery held Public Consultation No. 001/2023, on October 10, 2023, as well as Public Hearing No. 001/2023, held on November 28, 2023.
Therefore, the schedule established for this process is as follows:
- Deadline for submitting proposals (in sealed envelopes): Until 03/05/2024, at 4 pm, at LEMG Headquarters. It is located at Rodovia Papa João Paulo II nº 4001, Prédio Gerais, 13th floor, Bairro Serra Verde – BH/MG.
- Date, time and place of opening of the first envelope (Remuneration Proposal): 03/06/2024, at 2:00 pm, at Rodovia Papa João Paulo II nº 4001, Prédio Gerais, 13th floor, Room 6, Bairro Serra Verde – BH/MG .
All instructions and details relating to this process are available in the LEMG International Public Competition Notice nº 002/2023, as well as the complementary documents that form part of the process.
Finally, given the international nature of the bidding, these files are available in two versions: Portuguese and English.