Mega-Sena acumula novamente e prêmio chega a R$ 105 milhões
22/06/2023 - Brasília - Volantes da Mega Sena sendo preenchidos para apostas em casas lotéricas da Caixa. Foto: Rafa Neddermeyer/Agência Brasil

No bettor matched the six numbers of the Mega-Sena contest 2650, drawn this Saturday, 28th, at Espaço da Sorte, in São Paulo, as reported by Caixa Econômica Federal.

Therefore, the prize jumped from R$90 million to R$105 million in competition 2651, scheduled for next Wednesday, November 1st.

The offers drawn on Saturday night at Espaço da Sorte Loterias Caixa, in São Paulo, were: 09 – 18 – 29 – 37 – 39 – 58.

Caixa reported that 136 bets were awarded on the corner with R$44,304.85 (for a single bet), 13 of which were from Minas Gerais.

Next Mega-Sena draw

Anyone who wants to compete for R$ 105 million can now purchase the ticket on the Caixa Lotteries electronic channels (website and app) by logging in with CPF and six-digit password.

In addition, online payment is promoted via credit card, with a minimum bet combo of R$30 and a maximum of R$945.

Another option is to go to a lottery unit.

Bet cost

The minimum Mega-Sena bet costs R$5.

According to Caixa, the chance of hitting six tens with a simple game is 1 in 50,063,860.

Mega allows you to choose up to 15 tens, which make the value exceed R$ 22.5 thousand, as well as multiplying the chances of winning by five thousand times.


While prizes must be requested at any accredited lottery outlet or at Caixa branches within a period of up to 90 days. After this period, the award is transferred to FIES (Higher Education Student Financing Fund).

Gross amounts above R$ 2,112.00 will only be released at the bank, upon presentation of identity document, CPF and betting receipt.

Transfers of amounts equal to or greater than R$10,000.00 will take place within a minimum period of two days after the winner’s presence at the branch.