Bruno Omori, president of IDT-CEMA (Institute for Development, Tourism, Culture, Sport and Environment), cited the opportunities and economic impacts of casinos and gaming in Brazil during ESFE 2024 (Meeting of the Fairs and Events Sector).
He highlighted the importance of bringing together entities to promote these activities, emphasizing the diversity and records that can be broken in this sector.
Tourism in the world in 2024 should equal 2019, before the pandemic
Brazil remained outside this online betting market, but with the approval of regulations in December, the scenario changed. With the regulation of these activities, a significant increase in job creation and tax collection is expected.
In 2024, according to the UNWTO (World Tourism Organization), the number of tourists around the world should be 1.5 billion. This is the same number of people who circulated in 2019, before the pandemic.
Casinos need to get out of illegality and go to entrepreneurs
“Of the G20, only Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia do not allow gambling and betting, the latter two being Islamic. So, this shows that the country was completely out of the market”, says Bruno Omori.
According to him, the country is failing to collect billions of reais. In other words, this money could be used to boost several sectors of the Brazilian economy, such as the real estate market, engineering, architecture, among others.
Furthermore, the legalization of casinos integrated into resorts and bingos can strengthen tourism in Brazil, making the country more attractive to foreign and national visitors.
“Gambling in Brazil will no longer be illegal. It will no longer be done by people doing illegal things and will fall into the hands of businesspeople, investment funds and people who will work on this in a different way.”
Furthermore, he recalls that legislation related to gaming and casinos has already been approved in the Chamber of Deputies and is being processed in the Senate.
Casinos can generate more than R$350 billion in investments
There are currently more than 500 sports betting operators in Brazil. But with regulation and the fee of R$30 million for licensing the bookmaker, this number dropped to less than 150.
Still, Brazil can become one of the main gaming markets in the world, with significant economic potential. The projection indicates that the games will generate more than R$100 billion and the Federal Government can raise R$12 billion.
This is without counting the investment of physical casinos in the country, which could reach US$70 billion, approximately R$350 billion injected into the Brazilian economy.
Therefore, this will directly or indirectly impact the real estate, culture, tourism, work, advertising sectors, among others.
Therefore, the opportunities for business involving casinos and gambling in Brazil are enormous and can positively impact the country’s economy, generating jobs, increasing tax collection and strengthening tourism.