EXPOTEL will host the 2nd edition of BOGEC - Brazilian Opportunities Gaming, E-sports & casino
EXPOTEL will host the 2nd edition of BOGEC - Brazilian Opportunities Gaming, E-sports & casino

EXPOTEL, the International Hotel and Gastronomy Fair, which starts on June 15th, in São Paulo, is the second edition of the BOGEC Congress (Brazilian Opportunities Gaming, E-sports & Casino), and has the iGaming Brazil portal as a media partner event official.

The BOGEC congress will bring investment opportunities to the hotel and tourism trade market, create new revenues and strengthen tourist destinations in Brazil, based on the approval of Law 442/91, which was approved in the Chamber of Deputies in 2022, and it is in the Justice Commission of the Federal Senate to be put to the vote and later to be sanctioned by the presidents of the republic.

In addition, there is the approval of the regulation of sports betting, whose law was approved in 2018, and added to the concessions of State Lotteries.

The impact of these approvals could bring more than US$ 70 billion to the Brazilian economy, and the tourism/hospitality sector will be the sector with the greatest impact, with Integrated Casinos Resorts, Tourist Casinos, Bingos, Online Casinos, Sports Bars with bets sports halls and even Lottery Houses, all with a great possibility of being installed in Resorts, Hotels, Theme Parks, Restaurants and Bars.

The Brazilian hotel market has approximately 580,000 rooms in 35,000 accommodation facilities, employs more than 250,000 professionals directly and has a projected occupancy growth of 7% in 2023. Brazil has an internal flow of more than 50 million tourists, employing more than 10% of the workforce and has a direct impact of 12% on the economy of our country.

In this context, the BOGEC Congress will bring great icons from the hospitality, games, tourism and government markets, to present and discuss these opportunities.

Topics involved:

  • Law 442/91 on Games and Casinos, approved by the Chamber of Deputies and the Justice Commission of the Senate, about to be voted
  • How can the Hotel Industry and the tourist trade participate in the Casinos, Games, Sports Betting market?
  • Enhancement of tourist destinations with the approval of games and casinos in Brazil; what are the impacts of increased demand, legislation on state and federal tourist districts; interaction with tourist attractions, job and income generation and tourist exchange


  • Bruno Omori – President IDT-CEMA & Director of BOGEC
  • Fabrício Borges – President of FORNATUR and Secretary of Tourism of the State of Goiás
  • Gene Chayevsky – CEO of KLW CAPITAL
  • Paulo Kenzo – CEO of MAGIC CITY Park and Resort
  • Ana Clemente – Tourism Coordinator for the State of SP
  • Ibrahim Georges Tahtouh – CEO of IT MICE and Director of the Brazilian Academy of Events and Tourism.

Research will be carried out on the Casino and Gaming market in Brazil with panelists and congressmen, which will generate an EXPOTEL/BOGEC index with AUTICOMP by CEO Filipi Panzero. The survey and panel results will generate white papers to support the market.

BOGEC registrations are limited and free at www.expotel.com.br. The event takes place at the Frei Caneca Convention Center, in São Paulo.