Sports betting ranks 2nd among the brands with the greatest presence in Latin American football

The agency IBOPE Repucom, one of the main international companies in sports marketing research, has published a new study on brands and investments in football sponsorships in Latin America.

The sports betting segment was the one that grew the most in the region in the last year. In relation to 2020, the sector rose seven positions and ranks second on the continent, behind banks, and growth in Brazil was the most important in Latin America, where it leads the ranking with a presence in 24 teams.

According to the survey, the five sectors that predominate in the spaces of team uniforms in Latin America (with the exception of Brazil) are financial institutions and bookmakers, followed by automotive, telecommunications and food companies.

In 2018, IBOPE Repucom launched the first edition of the study “Why not here?”, a survey on the continental relevance of brands that invested in football sponsorship in Latin America, but which, for various reasons, did not do so in Brazil

In 2020, the world was going through one of the most critical moments of the pandemic, waiting for the start of vaccination and trying to resume the sports calendar. Amidst the uncertainty generated by a very challenging regional and global economic scenario, the 2020 version of the study recorded a scenario of stability, both in volume and in the diversity of sponsoring brands of the largest clubs in the region.

New report features up-to-date regional market data

Now, in 2022, the company has released a new edition of the study, with the aim of comparing and analyzing possible changes and advances. Today, it is possible to say that 35% of the sponsors of the main football teams in Latin America (not considering Brazil) are new, and that of the total sponsors in 2020, 42% of the brands will continue to sponsor the teams this year.

Among the top clubs in Latin America, the five sectors that currently lead the volume of brand exposure on official uniforms represent 55% of the total agreements that allow exposure on the shirts, shorts and socks of sports teams.

For comparison purposes, among the 20 clubs in Série A of the Brazilian Championship, the five segments that lead in volume of brand exposure are: 1st Sports Betting, 2nd Financial Sector, 3rd Real Estate and Construction, 4th Health Services and 5th Food. Together, they represent 58% of the exposure of sponsoring brands on uniforms.

It is worth noting that in addition to these data, the sports betting segment is the one that has developed the most in the last two years in Latin America. In relation to 2020, the sector gained seven positions and currently ranks second among the sectors with the highest volume.

In 2020, sports betting brands had only 19 insertions in uniforms, and now there are 40, most of them on the main front, the most relevant and expensive position of the uniform. In addition, the sector is present in almost all Latin American countries, except Uruguay and Bolivia, which currently have more restrictive legislation on the subject.

Growth of sports betting sponsorships in Brazil

In Brazil, in particular, the growth of the market is remarkable, which has the highest volume of brand appearances on uniforms. Two years ago, it was represented by 16 exhibitions, and today 24 are sponsored by bookmakers. Since 2020, the sector has conquered two positions and reached the first place in volume of brands exposed on the uniforms of the main Brazilian football clubs.

Arthur Bernardo Neto, director of IBOPE Repucom, considered that “in Latin America the sponsorship potential offered by clubs is well known, especially when we look at the medium term horizon. Observing the entire region helps us understand the peculiarities and trends of each market, as well as identify new opportunities for sponsors and sponsors.”