Senadores aprovam realização de audiências públicas para debater a regulamentação das apostas
Foto: Geraldo Magela/Agência Senado.

Senator Eduardo Girão (Novo-CE) warned, in a speech this Wednesday, 18th, about the risk of sports betting, known by the English term bets. The speech took place during a meeting of the Sports Commission (CEsp) in the Senate.

Girão asked the Senate to hold public hearings to discuss PL 3,626/2023, which provides for the sports betting regulation through a fixed quota.

When discussing the matter, Girão argued that, despite the regulatory urgency of the matter, it is necessary to request a review of the report. He proposed holding at least two public hearings at CEsp to address the issue.

According to Agência Senado, the text is being processed by the Economic Affairs Committee (CAE) and the Sports Committee (CEsp). For Girão, the Senate has a “political and moral” duty to delve deeper into the issue “in defense of Brazilian society”.

Senators highlighted the harmful effects of excessive gambling

Girão highlighted the issue of sports betting as one of the most controversial issues he has ever faced in Parliament and drew attention to CEsp’s responsibility in the face of manipulation of results and the harmful effects of compulsive gambling.

“Online modalities increase the potential for access to the game, the associated problems and the significant costs on the health, social security, judicial, supervision and public security systems”, he pointed out.

The parliamentarian also recalled that the Code of Ethics of the International Football Federation (FIFA) prohibits the direct or indirect participation of athletes, members of technical committees and professionals linked to sport in any games, lotteries and sports betting.

According to Girão, the General Competition Regulations of the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) also prohibit athletes, coaches, managers and members of the arbitration team from participating, directly or indirectly, in sports betting.

Senator Leila Barros (PDT-DF) followed the review request proposal and warned of the risk of an “accelerated” decision on the topic. “It’s a very big responsibility: the emotional issue, the financial issue, the issue of the member-fan and club relationship, and future generations: young people are there straight away,” he said.

Senator Carlos Portinho (PL-RJ) called for the establishment of means to make it difficult for people under 18 to gamble. He said he regrets that the sport has chosen betting systems as its main sponsors, but it is necessary to regulate betting in order to protect the health of the population.

“The State will have to provide the means for this, because the demand for psychologists and groups of anonymous gamblers will increase. The SUS [Sistema Único de Saúde] is already overloaded.”

Postponement of the vote on the betting regulation project

Senator Romário (PL-RJ) even read his report in favor of the proposition, but, during the discussion of the matter, several members of the panel warned about insufficient time to examine the document.

While presiding over the meeting, Senator Jorge Kajuru granted a 24-hour collective view. Subsequently, three requests were approved to hold public hearings to discuss the matter.