Corridas de cavalo em São Paulo
Imagem: Jockey Club de São Paulo / Divulgação

Last Tuesday (2), the São Paulo Court suspended the municipal law that prohibited the use of animals in betting games in the capital. The measure directly affected horse races held by the São Paulo Jockey Club.

Court ruling on horse racing

In the decision, rapporteur José Damião Pinheiro Machado Cogan argued that clubs that maintain sports cannot be punished, as the municipality “is not competent to legislate on horse racing”.

Furthermore, the rapporteur stated that the law could be harmful to “owners, members and other visitors”, causing the “death of the Club”. It is worth mentioning that the Jockey Club itself requested suspension action.

Municipal law 18,147, authored by councilor Xexéu Tripoli (União Brasil), established the prohibition of “sporting activities that use animals, such as races, disputes or any other event through digital or virtual means”.

The law was published in the Official Gazette last Monday (1st), after Mayor Ricardo Nunes sanctioned the measure on June 28th. The text establishes that establishments would have 180 days to comply with the measure.

Furthermore, the text provided that the Jockey Club would become the municipality’s heritage and could be transformed into a public park. In case of non-compliance, the authorities may punish the Jockey.

Reactions to suspension

In the midst of all this controversy, the São Paulo City Council only said that it had completed all the procedures for the approval of the law. “The Law that prohibits the exploitation of animals in sporting activities with betting strictly complies with all legal procedures”, says the note.

But the City Hall claimed that it will take the appropriate measures for this process and that the current management of the Jockey Club has debts worth R$856 thousand. These debts mainly refer to non-payment of IPTU and ISS.

Xexéu Tripoli, author of law 18,147, declared that, so far, the injunction has not reached the presidency of the House. But he stressed that he expected the measure, since “Jockey himself informed the press that he would make this decision.”

The suspension of the law that banned horse racing generates significant debate about the use of animals in sporting and entertainment activities.

On the one hand, animal rights advocates point to the need for stricter regulations to protect animals from possible abuse.

On the other hand, horse racing enthusiasts and Jockey Club regulars highlight the cultural and economic importance of this type of event.