The last week was busy in São Paulo racing. Bill 0691/2022, authored by councilor Xexéu Tripoli (União), which prohibits horse racing in the city of São Paulo, was approved by the City Council. And in the same week, sanctioned by Mayor Ricardo Nunes (MDB).
The proposal argues that even if Brazil bans gambling, horse racing with betting is still ongoing. In other words, which contradicts the prohibition of other practices involving animals, such as cockfighting.
If the law is broken, violators will be subject to fines, with amounts increasing in case of repeat offenses. Thus, adjusted annually by the Broad Consumer Price Index (IPCA).
Thus, with the mayor’s sanction, establishments will have 180 days to comply. After this period, those who do not comply with the law will receive an initial warning; in case of repeat offense, they will be subject to a fine of R$ 100.00.
Official note from the Jockey Club of São Paulo on the ban on horse racing
After the approval and sanction of the law, the São Paulo Jockey Club published a note on its website expressing its dissatisfaction.
Check out the note in full:
“The Board of Directors of the São Paulo Jockey Club regrets the approval by the São Paulo City Council of the project that aims to put an end to horse racing in the capital of São Paulo. Bill, already sanctioned by Mayor Ricardo Nunes.
In addition to demonstrating a complete lack of knowledge about the sport, the proposal signals to the population a clear interest in trying to deconstruct the centuries-old history of the São Paulo Jockey Club. As well as opening space for an absurd attempt to expropriate the land of the Cidade Jardim Hippodrome for possible real estate speculation.
The legal analysis of the text of the new municipal law is already being carried out and the Jockey Club of São Paulo will adopt the appropriate legal measures to guarantee its rights and those of the thousands of families that depend on tourism activities.”
Writ of mandamus
Furthermore, the entity filed a writ of mandamus against the mayor of the city of São Paulo, Ricardo Nunes, and also against the President of the City Council, Milton Leite.
“The aforementioned Law is a nod to “games of chance”, the results of which are random, which is not the hypothesis of horse racing, which is based on well-founded performance statistics of animals and jockeys, which cannot be framed. If betting is in the category of chance, all you need to do is pay attention to the law on criminal offenses that define “games of chance”, which absolutely cannot be equated with tourism activity”, says the petition.
Thus, the Cidade Jardim Hippodrome, opened on January 25, 1941, is located on the banks of Marginal Pinheiros, occupying an area of 600 thousand square meters.
While the City Hall plans to transform the space into a municipal park, an action included in the new Master Plan law, in force since last year.