Criação da Loteria Municipal é aprovada por vereadores de São Paulo
Foto: Richard Lourenço / Rede Câmara SP

This Tuesday (2), the São Paulo Chamber held the last Plenary Session of the first half of 2024. The councilors approved the creation of the Municipal Lottery in a second and final vote.

Other projects that deal with urban interventions in the capital, adjustments to the Zoning Law, donations and creation of parks, in addition to the LDO (Budget Guidelines Law), were also approved.

The final wording of the projects was also approved, but they will now go to the mayor for approval.

Municipal Lottery

The House Plenary approved the lottery project, authored by the Executive. While the first vote on the matter took place on June 26th.

According to PL 456/2024, at least 50% of the net revenue from the sale of lottery products will be allocated to the Municipal Social Development Fund.

Furthermore, the text determines that the resources be used to reduce the actuarial deficit of the RPPS (Personal Social Security Regime).

“São Paulo will have its own lottery, through a decision by the STF (Superior Federal Court), bringing more revenue to the municipality. This approval is a milestone for our city, which will bring many benefits”, said councilor Fabio Riva (MDB).

City Hall defines companies to analyze service feasibility

Last Monday (1st), City Hall announced the groups chosen to promote studies on the viability of the municipal lottery. The objective is to assist Ricardo Nunes’ government in developing partnerships.

The companies announced were as follows: Big Brazil Tecnologia e Loteria S.A., Consórcio BMR, Cordeiro, Lima Sociedade de Advogados, Hebara Distribuidora de Produtos Lotéricos S.A. and Pay4fun Instituição de Paço S.A.

According to the publication of the Official Gazette of the City of São Paulo, reports must be completed within 60 days. Therefore, these studies must include market assessments, estimated demand and operational and regulatory data.