SCJ reopens licensing process for casino operations in Chile
Photo: Ekatours

The Chilean gambling regulator, the Superintendencia de Casinos de Chile (SCJ), published on its website that this Monday, May 24, restarted the process of granting authorizations for the operation of casinos, which had been suspended since July 27, 2020.

In this way, the entity chose to resume the evaluation of operating licenses for casinos in the country, which was paralyzed for 270 days. SCJ informed that the hearing for the presentation of technical and economic proposals will take place on October 18th, at the Gran Palace Hotel in Santiago.

According to current regulations, interested parties can apply for a casino operating license in all regions of the country. The only exceptions are the Metropolitan Region and the Valparaíso area, as it already has a maximum limit of three casinos with a valid operating authorization.

Therefore, places with games rooms with authorization that expire from 2023 will enter the process, including Sol Monticello, Marina del Sol, Enjoy Antofagasta and Los Dreams de Temuco, Valdivia and Punta Arenas, among other regions.

Initially, the Chilean Casino Superintendence had suspended the process for 90 days, but in late November it extended the measure for another 180 days. It should be noted that the concession format was questioned on several occasions by the operators of the Chilean Association of Gambling Casinos (ACCJ).

The members of the association request that the process be carried out in accordance with the rules established at the time of the granting of the concessions, in 2005, which granted the preferential right in the renovation of the gambling rooms.

About the Chilean Casino Superintendence

Created by Law No. 19,995, of January 2005, SCJ is an autonomous body, with legal characteristics and its own assets, which is linked to the President of the Republic through the Ministry of Finance. The primary purpose is to oversee the installation, management and operation of casinos in the country.