The Senate's Justice and Citizenship Committee (CCJ) is preparing for a public hearing on bill (PL) 2,234/2022, which "authorizes the operation of casinos and bingos, legalizes gambling and allows betting on races of horses" in Brazil. But the vote, initially scheduled for last Wednesday...
In a recent move to strengthen gambling regulations in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed support for a petition filed by the military. Thus, highlighting the growing concern over the dependence on gambling among the country's military forces. The new regulations, signed into law by...

National Congress will vote today on Lula’s vetoes on the Sports Betting Law

The National Congress scheduled for this Wednesday (24/4) the vote on the vetoes imposed by President Lula on the law that regulates sports betting in the country. The final decision in the hands of parliamentarians will determine whether the sector will have a definitive boost or...
The Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) on the Match-fixing and Sports Betting scheduled a session for this Monday (22), at 3 pm. John Textor, owner of Botafogo, will be the first to give a statement. The requests for Textor's summons were presented by the...
Law 14,790/23, also known as the "Bets Law", was sanctioned on December 30, 2023. It regulates fixed-odd bets, both in virtual and physical media, and defines the rules for taxation, distribution and supervision of this Marketplace. But because of a presidential veto, ABAESP (Brazilian Sports Betting Association)...

Ministry of Finance officially announces new prizes and betting secretary

Lawyer Regis Anderson Dudena has been formally appointed as national secretary for Prizes and Betting (SPA) at the Ministry of Finance. The information was published in an edition of the Official Gazette of the Union. The decree formalizing the name was signed by the...
The Ministry of Treasury, through the Secretariat of Prizes and Bets, recently announced a series of regulations aimed at the payment of fixed-odd sports bets focusing on PIX and electronic media. These measures, published in the Official Gazette of the Union, aim to bring...

Regis Dudena is the new person responsible for the Prizes and Betting Secretariat

The Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, appointed lawyer Regis Dudena to lead the Prizes and Bets Secretariat. Dudena is expected to take office next week. Dudena is a close collaborator of Dario Durigan, executive secretary of the Treasury. Both worked together in the Special...
Normative Ordinance SPA/MF No. 615, dated April 16, 2024, establishes a new regulatory framework for payment transactions carried out by agents authorized to operate the fixed-odd sports betting lottery modality in the national territory. This ordinance, published in the Official Gazette of the Union,...
At a recent meeting of the National Council for Financial Policy (Confaz), a significant proposal was presented. Dario Durigan, executive secretary of the Ministry of Finance, suggested the formation of a new Working Group (GT) to discuss state regulations for sports betting. Coordination between...

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