Foto: Marcos Oliveira/Agência Senado

In testimony to the Betting CPI, this Tuesday(2), José Francisco Manssur, former special advisor to the Ministry of Finance, confirmed that Wesley Cardia, former president of the National Association of Games and Lotteries, mentioned an alleged request for a bribe by members of the Sports Betting CPI of the Chamber of Deputies.

During the testimony, Manssur detailed Cardia’s statement, revealing the possible involvement of authorities. However, he stated that he had no way of verifying the veracity of the information, suggesting caution regarding the allegations presented.

The statement was requested by senator Eduardo Girão (Novo-CE), who referred to a publication in Veja magazine from September 2023.

According to the publication, Manssur informed the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, about a request for R$35 million made by deputy Felipe Carreiras (PSB-PE) to the association.

This amount would be intended to defend the sector’s interests in regulation and avoid reprisals in the commission.

Manssur’s report and Cardia’s reaction

Manssur reported that he received Wesley Cardia in his office, where Cardia reportedly mentioned increasing pressure to pay the requested amounts. In response, the former Finance advisor advised not to pay anything and to report any requests from his team or third parties to the competent authorities.

“My reaction was, first of all: ‘Don’t pay absolutely anything to anyone. And, if a request to that effect comes from within the Ministry of Finance, from anyone on my team, or outside my team, report it to me immediately. Go to the authorities and report to them what you are reporting to me.’

Then, Mr. Wesley Cardia said: ‘Now I am sure that there is no type of guidance to leave this or be silent in relation to this’. I said: ‘There would never be'”, said Manssur.

The facts were forwarded to the Ombudsman’s Office of the Ministry of Finance and to Fernando Haddad‘s chief of staff, who directed the case to be handed over to the Court. However, Girão questioned why Cardia did not directly contact the police or the Public Ministry when reporting a crime of passive corruption.

“I believe that Your Excellency will have to ask Wesley Cardia. He contacted me and I received him”, replied Manssur.

Questions and doubts

Manssur said he knew Felipe Carreiras and stated that he had “republican” dialogues with him. However, he mentioned that Cardia did not cite a direct approach from the deputy, but rather from the “deputy’s office.”

In response to senator Jorge Kajuru (PSB-GO), Manssur stated that he had not heard from Cardia mentioning the value of R$35 million cited by Veja.

“The person sitting in front of me said and reiterated that he was taking a lot of medication. And he didn’t bring any proof. ‘Did you record it?’ ‘I didn’t record it.’ He didn’t say the time, he didn’t say the place, he didn’t say anything about when or how it had happened […].

We work with the presumption of innocence. At many times I found his testimony dubious. I’m not saying here that he lied, nor that he told the truth”, added Manssur.

Online betting control and taxation

Furthermore, Manssur defended the role of the Ministry of Finance in controlling and taxing online betting. He highlighted that the sector had great expansion since Law 13,756 of 2018 came into force, but remained unregulated until January 2023.

“This segment making increasingly higher revenues, year after year, month after month, without collecting a single real tax, while those who produce food collect, those who produce clothing collect, the worker with a formal contract, 27.5%, and this segment without collect”, said Manssur.

In response to Senator Romário (PL-RJ), Manssur defended the creation of a regulatory agency for the betting sector. The agency would include representatives of the Powers of the Republic and civil society.

Thus, the body would increase the State’s workforce and ensure a budget reinforcement proportional to its responsibilities.

Betting-related tax evasion

Senator Carlos Portinho (PL-RJ) pointed out the lack of control over taxes for gaming companies based abroad. Manssur stated that prize winners are subject to taxation, even though the “additional obligation” of these companies to provide information to the Federal Revenue Service is not yet in force.

Portinho also mentioned possible irregularities in the exchange operations of gaming companies. He said he hopes that the Federal Revenue Service and payment method companies will be heard by the CPI.