Senador Irajá fala da tramitação do projeto de regulamentação de jogos no Brasil
Foto: Roque de Sá / Agência Senado

In a recent interview with Salão Nobre on Canal TV Senado, senator Irajá (PSD-TO) discussed the bill PL 2234/2022, which proposes regulation of gaming in Brazil, including casinos, bingo, Jogo do Bicho and betting on races of horses.

The sector, which already generates millions of reais, has the potential to convert into tourism in the country. As rapporteur at the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission (CJC), Irajá highlighted the importance of regulation for the national economy and tourism.

It is worth noting that the topic was on the agenda of last Wednesday’s meeting (22), but was not discussed. Now, the expectation is that the project will be voted on on June 5th.

Economic and tourist impact

Therefore, Senator Irajá highlighted that, among the G20 countries, only three have not yet regularized the games, including Brazil. According to him, the regulation of these games is essential to transform tourism in the country.

“The approval of the project and the implementation of integrated resorts will be a watershed in Brazilian tourism,” he stated.

He explained that the proposal provides for federal concessions for the operation of casinos, with a limited number of licenses for each state, except São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Bahia, which may have up to three licenses.

Source: Canal/TV Senado

“Each state, together with the Union, will decide where it will be most strategic to install the casinos, considering the proximity to airports and other important requirements”, explained Irajá.

International experiences, regulation and inspection

Furthermore, the senator reported that his decision was influenced by successful international experiences in places such as Las Vegas, Singapore, Macau and Cancún. “So, these examples show that it is possible to take advantage of good international practices to create a successful Brazilian model”, he commented.

To ensure the transparency and legality of operations, the project provides for all financial transactions to be carried out electronically, avoiding the use of cash.

“This allows for rigorous monitoring by the competent authorities, such as the Federal Revenue Service and the Federal Police,” stated Irajá.

The senator also highlighted the importance of strict policies against gaming addiction and money laundering. “Companies involved in the sector will have to follow strict compliance standards to guarantee the integrity of operations,” he explained.

Economic benefits from regulating casinos and bingos

The guidance is expected to generate significant investment and create thousands of jobs. “We are talking about an investment of around 40 billion reais, which could generate 200 thousand direct jobs and a collection of more than 30 billion reais in annual taxes”, highlighted Irajá.

He believes that regulating gambling could significantly increase the number of tourists in Brazil.

Source: Canal/TV Senado

“We currently receive only 6 million international tourists per year. With the implementation of integrated resorts, we can double this number in five years”, he projected.

Responsibility and future vision for gaming in Brazil

Thus, Senator Irajá concluded by highlighting the need to face the issue with responsibility and a vision of the future. “It’s time to transform a challenge into an opportunity, generating jobs, revenue and development for Brazil”, he concluded.

Watch the full interview: