The Chamber of Deputies installed this Wednesday, the 17th, the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry, the sports betting CPI, which will investigate match-fixing schemes in Brazilian football.
The collegiate will be composed of 34 members and will have an equal number of substitutes. The group will be chaired by Deputy Júlio Arcoverde (PP-PI) and will have Felipe Carreras (PSB-PE) as rapporteur.
It should be noted that deputy Arcoverde (PP-PI) is the former president of River Atlético Clube, a traditional football club in Piauí. The other members of the table are: André Figueiredo (PDT-CE), in the 1st vice presidency; Daniel Agrobom (PL-GO), in the 2nd; and Ricardo Silva (PSD-SP), 3rd vice.
CPI rapporteur, deputy Felipe Carreras declared that all the names already mentioned in the unfolding of Operation Maximum Penalty, by the Public Ministry, will be called, such as, for example, defender Eduardo Bauermann (who had his contract terminated with Santos), in addition to other players, referees, bettors and other potential stakeholders.
Carreras also informed that he should go to Goiânia in the next few days to talk to the state Public Prosecutor’s Office, which is in charge of the investigations.
“This has to be clarified and those responsible severely punished. The CPI is an opportunity and appears as an instrument that will facilitate the investigation of these facts”, declared deputy Arcoverde.
Indicated to compose the sports betting CPI
Adail Filho (Republicanos)
André Figueiredo (PDT)
Augusto Coutinho (Republicanos)
Aureo Ribeiro (Solidariedade)
Beto Pereira (PSDB)
Capitão Alberto Neto (PL)
Célio Silveira (MDB)
Daniel Agrobom (PL)
Daniel Freitas (PL)
Delegado da Cunha (PP)
Felipe Carreras (PSB)
Glauber Braga (PSol)
José Rocha (União Brasil)
Julio Arcoverde (PP)
Luciano Azevedo (PSD)
Luciano Vieira (PL)
Luisa Canziani (PSD)
Mauricio do Vôlei (PL)
Mersinho Lucena (PP)
Paulinho Freire (União Brasil)
Paulo Azi (União Brasil)
Ricardo Ayres (Republicanos)
Ricardo Silva (PSD)
Saullo Vianna (União Brasil)
Yury do Paredão (PL)
9 spots not filled
Bandeira de Mello (PSB)
Coronel Ulysses (União Brasil)
Chico Alencar (PSol)
Danilo Forte (União Brasil)
Delegado Caveira (PL)
Fernando Rodolfo (PL)
Fred Costa (Patriota)
Leur Lomanto Júnior (União Brasil)
Marcelo Álvaro Antônio (PL)
Prof. Paulo Fernando (Republicanos)
Samuel Viana (PL)
Wellington Roberto (PL)
22 spots not filled