Betsson FC: bookmaker creates fantasy game for the Brazilian market

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Betsson FC- casa de apostas cria jogo de fantasia para mercado brasileiro

The betting company Betsson is presenting a fantasy game for the Brazilian market, which makes it possible to select virtual football teams with real players. The novelty is a way for the bookmaker to increase its revenue while waiting for the completion of the regulatory betting process in Brazil.

After all, sports betting has been legal in the national territory since the end of 2018, but as there is still no properly established regulation, companies are in a kind of limbo. For this reason, most companies in the sector provide the service from websites hosted abroad.

Nowadays, Betsson’s operations in the country are restricted to online betting on the turf, which is regulated. André Gelfi, CEO of Betsson in Brazil, recognizes that the business is quite a segment and reported in detail to O Globo.

Company bets on the launch of Betsson FC

Gelfi is confident that the fantasy game Betsson FC will arrive to change the status of its operations in the domestic market. “Revenues should be multiplied three or four times in a year and a half,” said Gelfi.

The product will be officially launched in the coming days with a freemium system. In other words, it will be possible to play for free, however, only paying players can be awarded.

The value will be 10 reais per round of the championship. And the performance of the athletes selected in the real games count points for the Betsson FC user.

The fantasy game participant will be able to choose virtual teams to play in up to six competitions, from the two main divisions of national football, the Champions League and the English Championship.

Betsson estimates to award up to R $ 1 million in prizes over 300 rounds, according to Gelfi. The game was adapted to the national market based on a mechanism by the Swedish company Scout Gaming.

Fantasy games market is already worth more than $ 20 billion

BCC Research estimated at the end of 2020 that the world market for fantasy games had a turnover of about 20.4 billion dollars. In the next four years, this segment may grow 33.4% annually, reaching the mark of 86 billion dollars.

In the North American scenario, for example, the NFL has its own game (NFL Fantasy). Another industry benchmark is DraftKings, which is worth about $ 27 billion at Nasdaq. Nationally, the biggest exponent is Cartola FC, from Grupo Globo.

In addition to Betsson FC, the bookmaker believes that the regulation will still occur in 2021, fostering the national market. The market was inserted in the PPI (Investment Partnership Program) and tends to be the target of concessions. The process is being carried out by the BNDES.

“Brazil is the ball of the season. All operators in the world are keeping an eye on the Brazilian market waiting for regulation ”, concluded Gelfi, pointing out that the federal government could obtain R $ 1.5 billion in revenue even in the first year if online bets are included in the regulation.