Ministério Fazenda cria Grupo de Trabalho para enfrentar jogo problemático
Ministro da Fazenda, Fernando Haddad (esquerda) e Ministro da Secretaria de Comunicação (Secom), Paulo Pimenta. (Imagem: Agência Brasil /

The Ministry of Treasury announced an important measure to deal with problems with fixed-odd sports betting. Through an ordinance published in the Official Gazette, the government created a Working Group (GT) dedicated to mental health and the prevention of gambling-related harm.

According to the document, the objective is to “formulate and plan prevention, harm reduction and assistance actions” for players in persistent situations of vulnerability or problematic behavior.

Joint effort between different ministries

The ordinance has the signatures of four ministers:

The ministries involved will create an Action Plan focused on mental health and problem gambling. Actions include:

  • Educational campaigns
  • Criteria for monitoring.

Therefore, the group must also propose measures to identify risk profiles and offer support to the most vulnerable.

Ministry of Treasury will work with educational campaigns

In addition to educational actions, the GT will explore the implementation of exclusion mechanisms for people in high-risk situations. Therefore, this measure seeks to prevent vulnerable users from having continuous access to betting systems.

Another crucial point will be the creation of mechanisms that integrate operating agents. Therefore, the idea is to guarantee coordinated action to respect self-exclusion requests made by bettors.

Ministry of Treasury creates Working Group to tackle problem gambling
Ministry of Treasury creates a Working Group to help with prevention and mental health related to gambling. (Image: Freepik)

With regulation underway, the plan reinforces the government’s concern about balancing the expansion of the iGaming and sports betting sector with social protection.

The initiative signals a commitment to creating a safe environment for bettors and, at the same time, strengthening the image of the regulated market in Brazil.

Therefore, these measures can have a direct impact on the sector, promoting greater responsibility among operators and reinforcing users’ trust in betting platforms.

To see the interministerial ordinance in full, access the link HERE. If you want to download the file, click “Download” immediately after presenting the ordinance in PDF.