Caixa Lotteries single bet values ​​receive an increase (1)
Caixa Lotteries single bet values ​​receive an increase

At the end of last month, it was announced that the values ​​of single bets for six lotteries run by Caixa Econômica Federal had increased. Lotofácil, Mega-Sena, Quina, Lotomania, Timemania and Dia de Sorte were affected by the changes that took place on April 30th.

The new prices came into effect as of the contests: 2801 from Lotofácil; 2588 of the Mega-Sena; 6138 of Quina; 2462 of Lotomania; 1932 of Timemania; 753 of Lucky Day. Check the increases in Caixa Loterias bets in the table below:

Price readjustment in Caixa lottery bets
Disclosure/Caixa Econômica Federal

The lottery houses were previously informed about the updated values ​​and have already implemented them. The measure is intended to recover the purchasing power of bets. These new values ​​were calculated based on the IPCA update, which reflects changes in the prices of goods and services consumed by the population.

Check the official release of Caixa Lotteries

In a note, the institution clarified: “In compliance with this Federation’s request to readjust the prices of Federal Lottery bets, CAIXA carried out the necessary studies and, based on the feasibility identified as a way of recovering the monetary value of the bets, based on the update of their original values ​​using the IPCA, we communicate that the Lotofácil, Mega-Sena, Quina, Lotomania, Timemania and Dia de Sorte modalities will now have new prices. The other modalities remain with the current price.

The alterations will come into effect as of draws 2801 for Lotofácil, 2588 for Mega-Sena, 6138 for Quina, 2588 for Lotomania, 4932 for Timemania and 753 for Dia de Sorte. To this end, “Teimosinha” bets are being gradually inhibited by modality until the effective price increase.

CAIXA will make a wide publicity and soon the lotteries will receive details of prices, new values ​​of fixed prizes and parameters of the Bolão, as well as material for communication to players”, concluded the organization.