AGS do Brasil, Intralot, Loteria,

The company AGS do Brasil, in association with Intralot do Brasil, presented the Lotto Ikon terminals to the Minas Gerais market, with an entirely Brazilian production, with four lottery games in the Forecast, Passive and Instant modes.

With a system linked to an online and real-time control center, all financial transactions will be monitored in real time by terminal, point of sale and region of the State.

The system, which has been under development for more than two years, includes the registration of the individual consumer, the CPF and the issuance of income tax collection statements. Both the AGS Shoto terminal and the games were certified by BMM Testlabs, in Las Vegas, following the most rigorous standards in the market.

The games, developed exclusively for the Brazilian market, follow the rules and regulations of the games currently authorized by the Ministry of Economy and operated by Caixa Econômica Federal.

In the Lottery of Destiny game, players can buy traditional and pre-numbered lottery tickets, either by fraction or full ticket, and each ticket and its corresponding draw are numbered and recorded. At MegaPrize and Kenodilo, customers can bet the numbers of their choice; and in the Don Raspaleone game, a “virtual scratch card” ticket is offered, numbered and part of a centralized game plan.

The project is considered by AGS do Brasil as a product in development, as the company is adapting the games to the national lottery legislation and taking advantage of the opportunity to improve them through the use of consumers. The strategy will contribute to the adaptation and development of the games in the short term.

While waiting for sports betting regulation, AGS do Brasil invests in lottery

Until the process of legalizing and regulating sports betting is completed, AGS do Brasil’s efforts will focus on state and municipal lotteries, regardless of their population size.

The company believes that the electronic scratch card represents a suitable product for this market, but it needs to be tested in practice. Furthermore, the group is so willing to invest in the Brazilian lottery market that it opened an office in Rio de Janeiro to house AGS Brasil.