The Casino PL (PL 2,234/2022), which allows the operation of not only casinos, but also bingo, Jogo do Bicho and betting on horse races, is close to taking an important step. Senator Irajá (PSD-TO), rapporteur of the project, defended the vote on the proposal in August.
Economic benefits of casinos and other games
According to him, the measure, debated for more than a year and a half in the Senate, will bring economic benefits, especially with the increase in foreign tourism and revenue from the sector. Thus, the proposal includes the creation of two taxes whose collection will be divided between states, the Federal District, municipalities, Embratur and sports and culture funds.
The project foresees the installation of one casino per state and in the Federal District, with exceptions: São Paulo may have up to three, and Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Amazonas and Pará, up to two, due to population or territory.
Legalization should attract more tourists, generating revenue and jobs. Senator Irajá argued that “the project will revolutionize Brazilian tourism, creating a new business environment with clear rules and responsible gaming”.
However, senators such as Eduardo Girão (Novo-CE) oppose the project. They warn of the strengthening of organized crime, an increase in money laundering and cases of gambling.
Therefore, the proposal limits the operation of casinos and bingos, with the installation of one establishment per municipality, with larger cities being able to have one bingo house for every 150 thousand inhabitants.
A company will be able to explore the animal game for each group of 700 thousand inhabitants. Turf entities accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture will coordinate betting on horse races.
New taxes planned
So, to guarantee supervision and collection, the project creates the Gaming and Betting Inspection Tax (Tafija) and the Intervention Contribution in the Economic Domain on the commercialization of games and betting (Cide-Jogos).
States, municipalities, Embratur and actions in the areas of sport, culture and combating gambling disorders will share the proceeds. Senator Irajá believes that the project is ripe for voting in the plenary.
“We have already discussed this matter extensively for more than a year and two months. It has already been approved by the CCJ, we held public hearings and discussed it in several sessions. We have enough votes to approve this matter.”
The project must return to the Constitution and Justice Commission (CCJ) for analysis of the amendments presented in the Plenary. Therefore, the final word will be from the Senate Plenary. So, the decision on the regulation of casinos and other games seems to be heading towards a conclusion.