The National Social Security Institute (INSS), under the leadership of Alessandro Stefanutto, is examining possible restrictions on the use of the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC) in sports betting and online games.
According to an interview with the Estadão portal last Sunday (19), the president of the organization expressed interest in dialoguing with the Central Bank. It is important to remember that this body had already indicated that Bolsa Família values were going to bets. Bolsa Família supports people in extreme need.
Characteristics of the BPC and INSS study on betting
The BPC consists of monthly assistance equivalent to a minimum wage, available to people with disabilities and low-income elderly people. It is not necessary to have contributed to receive this benefit, aimed at families whose monthly per capita income does not exceed R$706, that is, around R$24 per day.
In his words, Stefanutto considered: “The BPC is to alleviate misery. If there is use for sports betting, either we grant the wrong benefit because the person is not miserable, or there is a misuse of the resource.”
“We are developing a regulatory study on this topic in the technical area, which will later be presented to the Ministry of Social Security”, he added.
Prior to his current position, Stefanutto served as INSS attorney general.
Previous measurements and banking experience
The INSS prohibits similar practices with resources for retirees and pensioners, including the advance of R$150 in monthly benefits, without interest. This advance came into effect under the federal government’s initiative at the end of last year.
Regarding the advance scheme, Stefanutto highlighted: “Banks that operate with advance payment already have the expertise to veto CNPJs from sports betting companies. If we allow gambling, we will feed addicts.”
About INSS
The National Social Security Institute (INSS) is a Brazilian institution responsible for administering benefits related to social security in the country, such as retirement, pensions and various aids.
Created to offer protection to workers, the INSS benefits millions of Brazilians, ensuring protection in situations such as disability, illness, maternity, and old age.
Finally, among the main benefits is the BPC, the Continuous Payment Benefit, which guarantees a monthly payment of a minimum wage for elderly people over 65 years of age and low-income people with disabilities.