The process of regulating sports betting continues to affect numerous sectors in the country. Now, directors of the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) must travel to Brasília to debate the developments of the provisional measure (MP) published by the Federal Government.
According to O Globo’s Panorama Esportivo, the directors should be received at the Institutional Relations Secretariat this week. After all, the regulation is in force, however, it needs to be approved by Congress to not lose validity.
The matter has already been discussed between the government and the CBF last Friday, the 29th, at the entity’s headquarters in Rio de Janeiro. On the occasion, minister Alexandre Padilha met with the president of the CBF, Ednaldo Rodrigues.
Also according to the Panorama Esportivo column, the CBF’s intention was always to receive 4% of gross revenue and that the resources would not be treated as public, which would avoid accountability to supervisory bodies, such as the Federal Audit Court ( TCU).
Process of regulating sports betting
After approval in the Chamber of Deputies on September 13th, the text that provides for the regulation of sports betting is in the Senate and may still receive suggestions.
Consideration of the topic should take place soon, as it needs to be voted on by the end of October.
The reduction of the license period for betting companies in Brazil from five to three years, the inclusion of online games (such as online casinos) and the taxation established for both operators and bettors should also generate debate in the Federal Senate.
It is worth noting that the Senate Sports Committee (CEsp) will meet this Wednesday, 4th, to vote on seven non-terminative projects, in addition to three requests.
One of the projects on the agenda, by senator Eduardo Girão (Novo-CE), seeks to prohibit, in advertising betting on sporting events, the participation of people considered celebrities or those with power to influence bettors, including athletes, presenters and commentators.
The rapporteur, senator Sérgio Petecão (PSD-AC), recommended approval of the proposal.