Control+F5 Gaming announces PixLuck Bet as a new customer (1)
Control+F5 Gaming announces PixLuck Bet as a new customer

Sports betting and gaming site PixLuck Bet is Control+F5 Gaming‘s new client. The platform plans to conquer the Brazilian market more and more, in addition to preparing many novelties for its customers.

The CEO of PixLuck Bet told a little about the operation’s plans in relation to the partnership with Control+F5 Gaming: “PixLuck Bet arrives to make a difference in the sports betting and online casino market, always bringing the best news in games and everything that involves the world of bets”.

“Our platform works hard to bring our users the best experience, in addition to having the fastest payment in Brazil as a differential. PixLuck Bet’s goal is to constantly seek improvements and innovations in the online betting market”, he added.

PixLuck Bet targets accelerated growth in Brazil

PixLuck Bet is preparing, together with Control+F5 Gaming, an intense growth strategy, with the aim of being among the largest in the country’s betting market.

On choosing to work with Control+F5, the site’s CEO commented: “As always, we seek the best for our operation. We couldn’t be different in relation to work partnerships. That’s why, after a lot of research in the market, we found Control+F5.

We aim for this partnership to achieve our goals together. In addition to customer acquisition, PixLuck Bet’s focus is on making users loyal to the platform, as this is a fundamental task for the solidity of our company”.

Control+F5 offers game operators a hub of differentiated services

Control+F5 Gaming is the first company in the Brazilian market to bring a set of services to operators who want to operate in the Brazilian gaming market safely and successfully.

Control+F5 Gaming‘s services cover areas such as Training of Professionals specialized in games, 360º Marketing, Customer Service, KYC Compliance, Software Development, Market Consulting, Human Resources, Legal Advice, Administration and Accounting.

The company’s team has proven experience in gaming, with experience in the industry both in Brazil and abroad. The solutions are complete, ranging from planning to the development of the entire operation necessary for national and international companies.