Authorities meet to discuss actions for alleged case of manipulation of bets in Ceará football

Last Wednesday, 26, organizations met to discuss actions that are being taken regarding the case of alleged sports betting manipulated in football in Ceará.

The Public Ministry of the State of Ceará sent documents to the Executive Secretariats of the Prosecutors’ Offices of Crato, Caucaia and Barbalha requesting the opening of an investigation to investigate possible manipulation of the results of matches, in clashes valid for the Ceará Championship and for the Brasileirão da Série D, in 2022 and 2021.

According to the GE, the content of this documentation is confidential. The Ceará Football Federation (FCF) was totally interested in resolving the events, acting in partnership with the authorities.

In addition, the FCF stressed the importance of maintaining the integrity and credibility of the championship with the discovery of those responsible and the appropriate penalties, both in the sports scenario and in the criminal sphere. TJDF-CE and the Public Prosecutor’s Office also committed to the investigation of the facts and the taking of the appropriate measures.

FCF meeting participants. Photo: FCF

The meeting took place remotely from the Ceará Football Federation, through the representative Mauro Carmélio Neto and the Legal Director Leandro Vasques, Public Prosecutor’s Office through the Fan Defense Nucleus, by the Prosecutor Edvando França, and TJDF-CE, represented by President Frederico Bandeira and auditor Valdir Xavier.

It should be noted that this type of situation could be inhibited from the regulation of the sports betting market in the national territory. After all, a regulation aligned with the best international practices has serious bodies and inspections aimed at curbing these irregularities and maintaining sporting integrity.

Regulation process for sports betting in Brazil

The regulatory process for the sports betting segment has been taking place in Brazil since December 2018, still under the government of President Michel Temer. The government’s expectation is that this stage will be completed this year.

In addition, the industry awaits this consolidation to invest even more in the national scenario, since Brazil is seen with the potential to become one of the main markets in the world.