In the Band Sports Program, Gustavo Guimarães analyzes the benefits that regulation will bring to the country

This Thursday night (9), the Oléé S.A. Program presented by Beeto Saad, received Gustavo Guimarães, the secretary of SECAP (Department of Evaluation, Planning, Energy and Lottery of the Ministry of Economy).

The program was dedicated to sports betting issues and benefits that this market and the legalization of casinos would bring to the country.

Journalist Álvaro José also participated in the program and mentioned several cases where the legalized practice of this sector brings benefits to the country, both for the economy and in the generation of jobs, labor, etc.

For the public that is not very familiar with the subject, Gustavo Guimarães explained how the regulation is progressing in Brazil, in addition to the differentiation of the so-called “games of chance” and “games of skill”, as in the case of poker and eSports, for example .

Journalist Álvaro José has analyzed very well a new market that is being created, and which will directly benefit from this increase in bets, that of Tipster.

In addition, the way in which Brazilians will get used to watching and following the games, because from the moment the fan bets on a certain team, or the number of goals, or corner kicks, the analysis of a match is different from the one we are in accustomed.

The SECAP secretary also mentioned the possibility of retaking casinos in Brazil, since these projects have been banned in the country since the 1940s. He explained that SECAP always collaborates with these debates, but the issue is under analysis in the Federal Congress .