CEO da Big Brazil, André Feldman, e sua esposa falecem em acidente aéreo
André Feldman, CEO da Big Brazil, e sua esposa, Juliana Alves Feldman, faleceram em um acidente aéreo. Foto: Reprodução

The Brazilian iGaming market is in mourning. On Thursday night (16), businessman André Feldman, CEO of Big Brazil, and his wife, Juliana Alves Feldman, died in a plane crash in a densely forested area in Caieiras, in the metropolitan region.

The helicopter had left the Jaguaré neighborhood, in the West Zone of the capital of São Paulo, heading to the city of Americana, but unfortunately, it did not reach its destination. Two people survived the tragedy: the couple’s daughter, a girl just 12 years old, and the pilot Edenilson de Oliveira Costa.

The helicopter crashed in a difficult to access place, in the Morro do Tico-Tico region, and was only found in the early hours of this Friday (17). The disappearance had been reported around 11:30 pm the previous night.

The search and rescue work included firefighters from the Civil Defense, two eagle helicopters from the Military Police and a helicopter from the Brazilian Air Force (FAB). According to G1, the aircraft belonged to the company C & F Administração de Aeronaves LTDA, owned by businessmen André Feldman and Paulo Jose Converso.

André Feldman’s career

A recognized and highly respected professional on the national and international gaming and betting scene, André Feldman, led Big Brazil, licensed by Caesars Entertainment, to represent his brand since 2012.

The group began its operations in Brazil in 2015, with the organization of a WSOP (World Series of Poker) poker event. Currently, the company also has authorization from the Ministry of Treasury to operate throughout the country.

In September 2024, Feldman gave an exclusive interview to the iGaming Brazil portal shortly after receiving accreditation in the State of Rio de Janeiro via LOTERJ.

“It (Caesars) does not operate on the gray market, it is a company listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange. The operation only began after regulation in Brazil. Today the license came out in Rio, and this is the first interview we gave after this news”, he commented at the time.

The iGaming Brazil portal deeply regrets the loss of André Feldman and Juliana Alves Feldman. The group expresses its most sincere condolences to Big Brazil’s family, friends and employees at this time of deep sadness.