Alerta do Nubank sobre sites de apostas gera críticas de associações do setor de jogos
Nubank alerta clientes sobre apostas e associaçoes do setor de jogos repudiam campanha. (Imagem: ANJL / Divulgação)

The associations AIGAMING, ABRAJOGO and ANJL issued a memoranda of repudiation against Nubank. The digital bank began to warn its customers about transfers to betting sites. According to the entities, the bank’s measure disrespects principles of equality and economic freedom, in addition to exceeding the role of a regulated financial institution.

Laws No. 14,790/2023 and No. 13,756/2018, in addition to ordinances from the Ministries of Treasury and Sports, legalize the betting sector in Brazil. Thus, associations criticize Nubank for going against the activity recognized by legislation.

Criticisms of alert selectivity

Another point raised by the entities is the bank’s supposed selectivity in issuing alerts. According to Plínio Lemos Jorge, lawyer and president of ANJL, Nubank does not adopt the same stance for other consumption categories such as alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. These sectors are also responsible for social impacts.

“It makes no sense whatsoever that alerts are not activated for these illegal operators. This makes the scenario even worse instead of helping to strengthen regulation in the country”, said Plínio.

The associations also highlighted that the Brazilian government is working to combat the operation of unlicensed betting sites. But the alert issued by Nubank may discourage consumers from using duly regulated operators.

Thus, in the document, the associations highlighted the importance of respecting current legislation. In other words, they insist on fair and balanced treatment for legalized economic activities.

The betting sector is important for the Brazilian economy. However, associations warn that actions like Nubank’s could harm the segment and the creation of a reliable regulatory environment.

Note of repudiation to Nubank

“The associations AIGAMING, ABRAJOGO and ANJL publicly express their rejection of Nubank’s initiative to warn its customers against transfers made to betting sites. Such a measure violates the principles of equality and economic freedom, going beyond the bank’s role as a regulated financial institution.

The betting sector in Brazil is legalized by Laws nº 14,790/2023 and 13,756/2018, in addition to being regulated by a series of ordinances issued by the Ministries of Treasury and Sports. In this sense, we consider that Nubank, by adopting such a stance, positions itself against an activity recognized by Brazilian legislation.

Furthermore, we question the selectivity in the application of these alerts. As highlighted by the lawyer and president of ANJL, Plínio Lemos Jorge, the bank does not issue the same warning when the customer purchases items such as alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, which are also identified as causing addiction and harm to health.

Another worrying point is the fact that, while regulation advances to curb illegal practices, there are still hundreds of unlicensed betting sites operating in the Brazilian market. However, the Nubank alert is not activated for transactions carried out on these sites, worsening the problem and discouraging consumers from migrating to duly regulated operators.

“It makes no sense whatsoever that alerts are not activated for these illegal operators, making the scenario even worse instead of helping to strengthen regulation in the country”, assesses Plínio Lemos Jorge, president of ANJL.

We reiterate the need to respect current legislation and balanced and fair treatment of all legal economic activities.