Loterj avalia patrocínio de novos projetos através do RioSolidario
Imagem: Loterj / William Salvador

Last Thursday (12), the vice-president of Loterj, Fabíola Esteves, met, at the municipality’s headquarters, with Paola Figueiredo, president of RioSolidario.

The objective of the meeting was to evaluate the projects financed by the municipality and discuss the prospects for 2025.

Also participating in the meeting were:

  • legal advisor Luis Roberto Malheiros Junior
  • financial director Gilbrando Freitas
  • contract advisor Marta Brizola, through RioSolidario
  • business coordinator Alessandra Granja also represents LOTERJ

The importance of legalizing betting

Today, the legalization of betting houses helps Loterj to invest in the Jardim Batan, Cidade de Deus and Vila do João early childhood education areas, in addition to Lar da Mulher.

So, in this sense, the municipality renewed, last month, the expiration dates for the promotion of Lar da Mulher and Espaço Vila do João, both in partnership with RioSolidário.

Social impact of projects financed by Loterj

Funded 100% with resources from Loterj, Lar da Mulher has the capacity to serve 60 women and their children up to 18 years old. The total amount invested in the entity was more than 5.3 million reais. In Espaço Vila do João, the total investment reaches R$1.9 million.

At the daycare center, Loterj supports the education, transformation and development of up to 250 children. In other words, the projects demonstrate the municipality’s commitment to promoting the well-being of the community and investing in a better future.

Recently, Loterj reopened the accreditation of bookmakers (“bets”) in its official register. Thus, after weeks of legal battle, more than a hundred companies had been blocked for not being registered.

Therefore, accreditation will be available until September 20th and will follow the same conditions established in 2023. Companies have a new chance to regularize their operations in the state.