Foto: Divulgação / Governo do Estado de São Paulo

Companies wishing to participate in the São Paulo State Lottery Public Services concession auction, ‘State Lottery‘, will need to present international certification.

This measure aims to guarantee the integrity and safety of operations. The project is expected to generate revenue of R$3.4 billion for public coffers over the next 15 years, with the resources destined mainly for the Health sector.

Lottery games will be restricted to people over 18 years of age, and the chosen concessionaire must promote awareness campaigns to combat gaming addiction. The auction is scheduled for September 13th, taking place over a period of 30 days from now.

Notice details

According to the Secretary of Investment Partnerships, Rafael Benini, only companies with proven experience in lottery games will be able to participate in the notice.

“Companies that have experience in lottery games can participate in the notice. In fact, we already have some international players interested in coming to Brazil and others who already work here. Therefore, we will require all possible certifications to guarantee the selection of an operator that is a reference.”

The São Paulo government launched the notice on June 12 of this year and defined five models of lottery services to be offered in physical and online spaces.

Benini clarifies that the auction does not include so-called “bets” (online sports betting). “The services will be exclusive to a single operator and may be offered online, such as electronic scratch cards.”

Mandatory sales points

The concessionary company will be required to install at least 31 exclusive sales points. However, distributed across the various administrative regions of São Paulo.

These points will function as concept stores for the services granted, guaranteeing access in all regions of the state. There is a requirement that these locations respect a minimum distance of 300 meters from daycare centers or primary and elementary schools.

Arsesp (Public Services Regulatory Agency of the State of São Paulo) will be responsible for supervising the concession and monitoring the services provided.

The agency’s CEO, Thiago Mesquita Nunes, highlights the importance of this inspection: “We face this challenge with the firm purpose of ensuring that the services granted are executed with excellence, in accordance with legal guidelines and promoting integrity and security in all operations, with special focus on the requirement to adopt international parameters to combat gaming addiction.”

Nunes highlights that supervision by Arsesp will be crucial to ensure that the benefits promised to the population materialize.

“Effective supervision, based on Arsesp’s expertise, will be essential to ensure that the granting of lotteries brings real benefits to society, generating resources that will be reinvested in the health sector and for the development of our State.”

State Lottery Model

In 2020, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) authorized the state lottery model, deciding that the Union could not monopolize the service. As a result, in São Paulo, the Legislative Assembly (Alesp) approved the system in 2022, with the aim of creating new sources of financing for areas such as Health and Education.

The State Lottery project is part of the PPI-SP, a State Government program that seeks to expand investment opportunities. In this way, increase job creation and socioeconomic development in São Paulo.

Finally, the PPI-SP already has 24 qualified projects and a portfolio of more than R$470 billion. Thus, including initiatives in the areas of Roads, Mobility, Social and Water/Energy, which are driving regional economic growth.