AIDIGLOT members are received at the Civil House

Last Friday, the 12th, AIDIGLOT (Association of Digital Intermediators of Lottery Games) made another important visit to Brasília in its agenda in favor of regulating the segment of intermediary platforms of official lottery services.

This time, Mirko Mayeroff, president of AIDIGLOT, and Márcio Malta, CEO of Sorte Online and founding member of the association, met in the Government Analysis Sub-head of the Civil House with Ana Maria Melo Netto Oliveira and Quênio Cerqueira de França, representatives of the .

The purpose of the meeting was to present the association’s purpose and emphasize the importance of innovation portals in official federal lottery games, which seek to regulate the sector in a transparent and open way.

“The Deputy Chief of Government Analysis of the Civil House has played a key role in transforming the final regulatory text of the sports betting decree, therefore, the meeting was excellent to demonstrate the claim of lottery intermediaries in search of digitization, regulation and expansion of the sector”, stated Mirko Mayeroff.

Among the next steps of the associates is the presentation to the portfolio of a study carried out by the FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas), which analyzes the impact of the regulation of lottery intermediaries in the collection of lotteries. According to the information, it will be possible to proceed with grounded procedures on the subject.

Os integrantes da AIDIGLOT têm feito constantes visitas a Brasília, sempre buscando interlocução com membros do governo e parlamentares chave no processo de regularização deste mercado.


The Association of Digital Intermediators of Lottery Products was created to unify the voice of companies in this segment in the search for improvements in the sector and in the defense of consumer interests. Among the associated companies are Inovalotto, Lotérica Nova and Sorte Online, a founding member of the association.

AIDIGLOT works to boost the sector, seeing in technology and digital presence the ways to make the impact of these companies increasingly positive. The idea is to offer a diversity of channels and innovative tools to amplify revenue of Brazilian lotteries.

To achieve these goals, the association intends to dialogue with Caixa Econômica Federal and jointly seek solutions for the segment.

Among the actions already implemented by AIDIGLOT is the process called Registration Game Safety Check. This is an audit that aims to ensure that all bets marketed on the sites have been officially registered in Caixa’s system, thus mitigating risks of fraud for the bettor.

The creation of the association represents an important milestone in the search for a more innovative lottery segment, which will bring positive impacts to the professionals involved in the area and the expansion of jobs and, mainly, for the consumer.