Last Tuesday, the Legislative Chamber of the Federal District (CLDF) approved, in two rounds, the bill (PL) that launches a lottery for the Federal District. The parliamentarians reached an agreement on project 2.312/2021 after the government agreed to two agendas, one for the evangelical bench and another for the opposition.
According to R7, the religious bench amendment prohibits the company that manages the lottery from having a relationship with casinos and bingo, for example. Therefore, this was a sign of evangelical politicians, resistant to PL 442/1991, which is in the Senate and provides for the legalization of gambling in the country.
While the opposition’s proposal ensures that the BRB becomes manager of the district lottery. The change in the proposal, however, generated discussion in the plenary. Deputy Júlia Lucy (União Brasil), who presides over the Commission for Sustainable Economic Development, Science, Technology, Environment and Tourism, had excluded the previously agreed section.
The author of the amendment, deputy Chico Vigilante (PT), demanded that the government leader, Hermeto (MDB), comply with the agreement. The deputy was against it, however the passage was approved after the opinions of the committees. Chico Vigilante pointed out that BRB’s profit remains in the Federal District with the aim of “giving a good life to Brasilia”.
The president of CLDF, Rafael Prudente (MDB), asked for agility after the analyses: “Lottery services already exist in Brazil. We are only sharing the market with BRB so as not to leave Caixa Econômica alone, and this is good for the DF”, he recalled.
“In the same way, the public transport service. It was a contract signed ten years ago. The expense is there and the credit is here for us to vote”, completed Prudente.
About the Federal District lottery
The bill, a suggestion by the Executive Branch, was drawn up after the decision of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) in 2020 that established that the Union does not rely exclusively on the lottery service.
Thus, the states and the Federal District have the power to create and operate activities related to the lottery and gambling sector. While the Federal Government retains the prerogative to stipulate the rules of activities.