Loterj launches 'animal scratch card' at R$2 and with prizes of up to R$5 thousand

This Wednesday, the Government of Rio de Janeiro launched the “animal scratch card”, which will award values ​​of up to R$ 5 thousand for those who buy the ticket. The initiative is the result of a partnership between Loterj, the NGO RioSolidario and the State Department of Agriculture.

According to the creators of the project, the profit raised will be directed towards the protection of animals in the state.

Marcelo Queiroz, Secretary of Agriculture and responsible for Public Policies for Animal Protection and Welfare, says: “We idealized scratch cards as a way to reach an audience that loves animals and that can, in addition to helping the cause, also have fun and win prizes”.

According to the Rio Lottery, there will be 400,000 tickets sold for R$2 at more than ten thousand points of sale. In total, the prizes will exceed BRL 440,000, with 20 scratch cards – featuring a dog and a cat – worth the maximum amount of BRL 5,000.

The first lady of the state, Analine Castro, who is the honorary president of the NGO, comments on the initiative: “Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you will be doing the impossible. I really like that phrase of our animal protector, São Francisco de Assis. And it is with her that I thank all the efforts of the Secretary of Agriculture with the animals of our State”.

“When the will to do it is strong and the partnerships are strengthened, anything is possible. Thank you also for all the affection with RioSolidario”, adds Castro.

The president of Loterj, Otavio Bastos Cunha, said that all income from the “animal scratchcard” will be transferred to the NGO RioSolidario, which will be responsible for coordinating actions to protect animals with the amount collected.

The organization also promises new initiatives to support the cause soon: “It is part of our objective to make Rio one of the main states in the country in the cause of animal defense” assures Bastos Cunha.