
The Senate approved, this Tuesday (26), the bill presented by senator Carlos Viana to guarantee the transfer of 0.04% of lottery revenues to the Brazilian Committee of Paralympic Clubs (CBCP).

A CBPC tem a atribuição de promover políticas públicas para o segmento paralímpico, passando a receber diretamente da Caixa Econômica Federal 15% da verba destinada ao Comitê Brasileiro de Clubes (CBC), segundo as leis vigentes.

CBPC has the attribution to promote public policies for the Paralympic segment, starting to receive directly from Caixa Econômica Federal 15% of the budget destined to the Brazilian Committee of Clubs (CBC), according to the current laws.

Senator and former player Romário (PL-RJ) reported the bill, highlighting in his report that “before Law 14.073/20 came into force, the CBC had the obligation to apply at least 15% of its resources in sporting activities; however, in the absence of Lotex operation, the parasport has not received any lottery funds”.

At the moment, the Bill will be analyzed and voted on in the Chamber of Deputies and, with its approval, will proceed to presidential approval.

About the Brazilian Committee of Paralympic Clubs

The entity (CBCP) was founded so that clubs, associations and entities of a parasports and Paralympic nature could have access to public resources and, therefore, direct effective actions for the development of performance parasports and the training of athletes with disabilities.

Loterj vetoes lottery resources destined to the Brazilian Paralympic Committee

Recently the governor of Rio de Janeiro, Claudio Castro (PL), vetoed the project to allocate prizes not redeemed by winners of the Lottery of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Loterj) to the Brazilian Paralympic Committee (CPB).

The veto power was announced in the Federal Official Gazette. Among the reasons for the proposal, the authors include four-time world champion Bebeto (Podemos), then state deputy Flávio Bolsonaro (Patriot) and current Secretary of State for the Environment Thiago Pamporia ( PDT).

Castro also stated that Loterj, even with financial autonomy, depends on the sale of lottery tickets, budget resources and other sources of income. With the measure, the agency would have operational losses, according to a consultation carried out with Loterj by Castro.